A man from Down Under has set the world record for putting on an absurd amount of underpants in an alarmingly short amount of time

A man from Down Under has set the world record for putting on an absurd amount of underpants in an alarmingly short amount of time. Mitchell Orval, a 28-year-old from Perth, Western Australia, managed to cram a total of 10 pairs of undies on his body in just 13.03 seconds.

The feat took place on Wednesday afternoon in front of a crowd of amazed onlookers, who watched in disbelief as Orval donned one pair after the other. It was a truly mesmerizing performance, one that will be remembered by many for years to come.

Orval, who works as a plumber, revealed that he had been training for this moment for months. He had been putting on multiple pairs of underpants every day, increasing the number as he became more comfortable.

“I knew I had to do something special, something that would really put me on the map,” Orval said in an interview with the media. “So I thought, why not try to put on as many underpants as possible in a short amount of time?”

The previous world record, set in 2015 by a man named David Rush, was nine pairs in 30 seconds. Orval knew he had to beat that. And he did it with flying colors.

“I couldn’t believe it when I saw him do it,” said one of the witnesses, a local resident named Lisa. “It was like watching a magician perform a trick. He was so fast and precise. And he didn’t even break a sweat.”

Orval’s accomplishment has earned him a place in the Guinness Book of World Records, a lifelong dream he has held since he was a child.

“I can’t wait to tell my kids about this one day,” he said. “They’ll be so proud of me. And who knows, maybe one day they’ll break my record.”

Orval’s achievement has also sparked a new trend on social media, with many people attempting to replicate his feat and post videos online. Some have even managed to put on 11 pairs or more, though their times are yet to be verified.

“It’s incredible to see the impact this has had on people,” Orval said. “Who knew that putting on a bunch of underpants could bring so much joy to the world? It just goes to show, anything is possible if you put your mind to it.”

As for what’s next for Orval, he says he’s not sure yet. He’s considering attempting to break other unusual world records, perhaps even ones that don’t involve undergarments.

“Who knows, maybe I’ll try to break the record for most marshmallows caught in the mouth in one minute,” he offered. “Or maybe the most pizza eaten in an hour. The possibilities are endless.”

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