Horse’s Grand Escape Delays Cargo Plane’s Delivery to Belgium In a shocking turn of events, a horse decided to make a break for it while traveling on a cargo plane from New York to Belgium

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Horse’s Grand Escape Delays Cargo Plane’s Delivery to Belgium

In a shocking turn of events, a horse decided to make a break for it while traveling on a cargo plane from New York to Belgium. According to witnesses, the horse snuck out of its stall and proceeded to gallop around the hold, causing quite a commotion.

The pilot, who was undoubtedly thrilled at the opportunity for some mid-flight excitement, promptly turned the plane around and headed back to New York until the rogue equine could be corralled. Passengers, who were undoubtedly thrilled at the opportunity to spend even more time on a cramped cargo plane, were likely less than pleased at the delay.

Upon landing back in New York, a team of experts successfully recaptured the horse and returned it to its stall. Unfortunately, this did little to console the irate passengers, who were now several hours behind schedule. The cargo company, however, remained optimistic that they could quickly get the plane back on track.

“We apologize for the minor inconvenience caused by this horse’s grand escape,” the company stated in a press release. “We assure our customers that we take animal safety seriously and will be conducting a thorough investigation into how this occurred.”

The horse, who could not be reached for comment, is rumored to have enjoyed its brief moment of freedom before being re-captured. Its motivations for escape remain unclear, with some speculating that it simply wanted to see the world, while others suggest it was trying to make a statement about the importance of equine liberation.

Regardless of its motivations, the horse’s escape caused a minor uproar in the already hectic world of air travel. Passengers who were already on edge due to long lines, delayed flights, and overbooking issues were now dealing with the added stress of a runaway horse. It remains to be seen whether this incident will result in stricter regulations regarding animal travel, or whether it will simply be written off as a bizarre anomaly.

In the meantime, passengers who were on board the ill-fated flight remain stranded in New York, forced to reschedule their travel plans and search for alternative routes to Belgium. The cargo company, however, seems unphased by the chaos, and is already planning its next big shipment.

“Life is unpredictable, especially when it comes to air travel,” the company stated. “While this horse’s escape may have caused a delay, we remain committed to delivering our cargo safely and on time. We know our customers count on us to get the job done, and we won’t let them down.”

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