Denver Zoo turns to Maury Povich to solve paternity crisis of baby orangutan Denver, USA – The Denver Zoo was thrown into a tizzy when they couldn’t figure out which orangutan was the father of a new baby primate

Denver Zoo turns to Maury Povich to solve paternity crisis of baby orangutan

Denver, USA – The Denver Zoo was thrown into a tizzy when they couldn’t figure out which orangutan was the father of a new baby primate. As they scratched their heads in confusion, they came up with a brilliant plan – consult the one and only Maury Povich.

Yes, you heard that right. The former daytime talk show host of ‘Maury’ fame was the chosen one to solve this paternity crisis. Because when you think of scientific accuracy and credibility, the first person that comes to mind is Maury Povich.

The zookeepers were initially stumped as to who the father of the baby orangutan was, as there were several potential candidates. Instead of doing some actual science stuff themselves, they turned to Povich’s DNA testing team to figure out who the daddy orangutan was.

And boy, did they have some fun with it. The staff at the zoo decided to make a whole extravaganza out of it and film a special episode of ‘Maury’, complete with an audience and dramatic music.

“We thought, why not make a whole thing out of it? It’ll be fun for everyone involved,” said one zookeeper, who wished to remain anonymous.

And fun it was. The episode began with a suspenseful introduction from Povich himself, followed by the introduction of the potential orangutan fathers, who were each given their own nickname and a special entrance. There was ‘Alpha Male’, ‘Ladies Man’, ‘Charming Charlie’, and ‘Bad Boy’, among others.

The audience cheered and booed as each orangutan strutted their stuff across the stage, vying for the title of Baby Orangutan Daddy. It was like ‘The Bachelor’, but with primates. Except the primate actually had a baby.

After a few dramatic commercial breaks, the moment of truth finally arrived. Povich dramatically announced the results of the DNA test, and the audience held their breath.

And the father was… *drumroll*… Alpha Male! The audience erupted in cheers as Alpha Male sat smugly on stage, looking like he had just won some kind of primate jackpot.

The zookeepers were thrilled with the results and the whole Maury Povich experience. “It was a really fun way to solve this problem. Plus, Maury Povich is a legend,” said the zookeeper.

While some may criticize the zoo for not using more traditional methods to determine the paternity of the baby orangutan, we can all agree that this was a much more entertaining way of doing things. Here’s hoping they do a live episode for the next orangutan paternity crisis.

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