California Reptile Wranglers Amazed To Find A Multitude Of Rattlesnakes In A Single Barn In news that will make Indiana Jones blush, a reptile wrangling business in California recently made a discovery that put their bravado to the test

California Reptile Wranglers Amazed To Find A Multitude Of Rattlesnakes In A Single Barn

In news that will make Indiana Jones blush, a reptile wrangling business in California recently made a discovery that put their bravado to the test. The team reported uncovering not one, not two, but 17 rattlesnakes all nestled up together in one barn. Yes, 17. That’s not a typo, folks.

According to the team, who we’re sure were shaking in their boots, the barn was located in a rural area where rattlesnakes tend to congregate. The discovery of the 17 serpents left the team of brave wranglers stunned and amazed. We’re guessing “edible underwear” might not seem so thrilling now, does it?

The snake tally contained only rattlesnakes and the team was able to remove them successfully without any harm. But we can’t help but wonder, what were these slithering creatures up to in the middle of a barn? Were they having a barn party? Playing cards? Organizing a union? The possibilities are endless! And frankly, slightly terrifying.

One of the team members described the experience as “wild.” We kinda wanna know what they consider tame now. Maybe birdwatching? Crafting? But we digress.

The company’s website proudly boasts that they specialize in humane removal of pesky reptiles from businesses and homes. So, we’re sure they were thrilled to find so many rattle-makers in one place. Their ability to remove the snakes without incident indicates their expertise in handling poisonous wildlife.

We reached out to a few locals to get their take on the situation. One man, who shall remain nameless, stated, “You ever hear of that movie Snakes on a Plane? Well, this was like Snakes in a Barn. But way less cool. And Samuel L. Jackson didn’t show up to save the day.”

Another local was less surprised and commented that it was “just another day in the life of living in the country.” We’re still trying to wrap our heads around 17 rattlesnakes being just another day in your life.

Now comes the real question: what did the reptile wrangling team do with the 17 rattlesnakes? Did they open a petting zoo? Set up an obstacle course? The possibilities are truly endless. We do hope they convinced them to give up their wild barn party life and turn over a new leaf. Or snake scale, as it were.

While we can’t say we’re jealous of the team’s experience, we do appreciate their courage in undertaking a job that would send most of us running in the opposite direction. Hopefully, the snakes found a new home far, far away from any unsuspecting barns.

At least we know who to call if we ever need to remove a bunch of rattlesnakes from our local barn. If you’ll excuse us, we’ll be over here clutching our anti-venom just a little bit tighter.

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