Unique White Alligator Born at Reptile Park: World Stops to Celebrate The world stopped turning momentarily on Thursday as yet another mind-blowing spectacle was unveiled in Florida

Unique White Alligator Born at Reptile Park: World Stops to Celebrate

The world stopped turning momentarily on Thursday as yet another mind-blowing spectacle was unveiled in Florida. The newly born, sun-kissed 19.2-inch female alligator that slithered out of her shell, has been quickly crowned one of our planet’s most exclusive creatures. With only seven existing white leucistic alligators known to humankind, the little gator is now the envy of all her reptilian mates.

Gatorland Orlando has proudly put up announcements everywhere about the new resident who’s nestled amongst a pack of similarly pale alligators – making up a grand total of three such white-skinned dinosaurs. A heartwarming coincidence, or a clear attempt to stage a ‘leucistic gator kingdom’? We will let you be the judge of that.

The park, a place that ensures a guilt-free adrenaline rush to thrill seekers wanting to flirt with danger, has revealed the species with triumph. It’s always better when showing off a rare creature to do it in front of daredevils who are eagerly waiting to risk their lives in neighbouring toxic swamps.

People from all over the world are now flocking to witness this historic moment in reptile breeding brought to them – at a small price of course. Visitors can now pay their respects to the newest alligator princess by getting up close and personal with not only her, but the rest of the alligator family.

If you’ve got a few extra bucks and are fed up with walking patiently through pedestrian walkways, you can now shift to the fast lane and take “The Screaming Gator Zip Line” which will drop you directly at the white gator’s doorstep, so you can applaud her right away. But alligator-lovers beware, as the park authorities warn that the “Screaming Gator Zip Line” isn’t for the faint-hearted. Only daredevils, who want to fly as close as possible over a death pit filled with at least 57 toothy beasts lurking below, need apply.

The pale alligator family is now in danger of losing their unique selling point. With only seven leucistic alligators known to exist, they’ve now doubled their numbers. We can’t help but think that Gatorland Orlando has shot themselves in the foot with this publicity stunt and have undermined their own rarity. You can’t be exclusive if there are three of you waddling around in a theme park swamp.

If the park wants to maintain its edge, then it will need to push the envelope a bit further and bring in more white animals to make up for the loss of its uniqueness. Like, perhaps – reign in a unicorns or a den of snow leopards. That’ll surely do the trick.

But still, as we type this, people are queuing up to get a glimpse of the ‘special’ family. Who knows, this might just give rise to more leucistic alligators being born. So, brace yourself people – the most exclusive gator species on earth could possibly double again, leaving us to wonder if we should be stocking up on white gator-skin accessories for the future.

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