Intrepid science researchers recently achieved a feat that will undoubtedly go down in history as one of the greatest, and most pressing, accomplishments of our time

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Intrepid science researchers recently achieved a feat that will undoubtedly go down in history as one of the greatest, and most pressing, accomplishments of our time. They sent a video of a cat, yes, you read that right, a cat, chasing after a red laser beam from deep space.

The star of the show? A charismatic orange tabby cat aptly named Taters. According to lead researcher Dr. Marmalade, the purpose of this breakthrough communication was to test the efficacy of laser technology over great distances. But we all know the real reason – who can resist the charm of a feline chasing a laser?

The video was reportedly received by the Green Bank Observatory in West Virginia. Lucky for them, they were chosen to witness this momentous event, as well as the stunning footage of Taters in action. Sources close to the research team divulged that Taters had been selected due to his intense interest and history with chasing lasers.

“This is the moment we’ve all been waiting for. The culmination of years of research and development, leading us to this monumental occasion of witnessing a cat chasing a dot of light,” Dr. Marmalade declared with great enthusiasm. “We may have just proved that communication with other galaxies is possible, but more importantly, we have proven that cats are still the kings of the internet.”

Reactions to the news have been mixed. While some have hailed it as a monumental achievement for intergalactic communication and technological advancement, others have criticized the use of resources for such a seemingly pointless endeavor.

“What’s the point?” asked local resident Karen, questioning the validity and importance of the research. “Did Taters sign a consent form? Did he receive monetary compensation for his efforts?” These are all valid questions that the research team is yet to answer.

Some animal rights activists have also voiced concerns about the ethical implications of using a cat for such an experiment. Despite the team’s assurances that Taters was treated with the utmost care and respect, many are still skeptical of the decision to use an innocent feline for scientific purposes.

Regardless of the criticism, the video of Taters chasing a laser light has quickly gone viral, with many commenting on the perfect execution of his moves. “This is what the internet was made for,” remarked Twitter user @CatLover69. “Forget about world peace, we just witnessed a cat chase a laser from space!”

As for Taters, he has reportedly been taking his newfound stardom in stride, spending his days basking in the glow of his adoring fans and licking himself in front of the cameras.

The research team has yet to announce if they plan to send more videos into space, but we all know what we’ll be secretly hoping for – more footage of adorable animals doing completely pointless things.

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