Scotland’s National Bird almost meets its doom after flying onto Rugby Field Tragedy was averted on Saturday during a World Cup warm-up game between Scotland and Italy at Murrayfield Stadium

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Scotland’s National Bird almost meets its doom after flying onto Rugby Field

Tragedy was averted on Saturday during a World Cup warm-up game between Scotland and Italy at Murrayfield Stadium. A seagull who had apparently flown in from a nearby pond swooped in onto the field at the most unfortunate time and was nearly flattened by Scotland forward, Ryan Grieg. Luckily, the bird managed to avoid a close encounter with rugby boots and flew away before it could be taken to the seagull hospital for a checkup.

Rugby fans across the world were tuned in to see how their favourite teams would fare in preparation for the World Cup, but were instead treated to a different kind of excitement as the seagull made its grand entrance. The small bird was seen swooping around the field during the game, taking in the action and cheering on the players, or so we imagine.

However, when Greig was seen nearly stepping on the bird, the entire stadium held its breath. The commentator’s voice shook with fear as he exclaimed “The bird! The bird almost got hit!” No one could quite tell if the commentator was more frightened of the seagull’s safety or of the player’s foot.

As the seagull flew away from the field, the crowd broke into a thunderous applause, showing just how much the bird had captured their hearts. Who knew a seagull could be so loved? One fan was quoted as saying “I don’t know what I would do if anything had happened to that bird, it was like we were all collectively holding our breath.”

The Scottish Rugby Union, however, was less than impressed and has announced stricter measures to ensure the safety of birds in future matches. Players will now be required to undergo mandatory training on how to avoid harming birds on the field and nets will be erected to protect the birds from themselves.

In the wake of this heart-stopping incident, environmental groups have come forward to urge rugby organizations across the globe to take bird safety seriously. A spokesperson for a local environmental group said “We cannot simply stand by and watch as our feathered friends suffer on the field. We need a worldwide initiative to protect birds from Rugby players.”

Despite the scare, Scotland managed to beat Italy 17-14, giving fans further cause to cheer. However, for some, the highlight of the day will always be the seagull, who captured our hearts with its daring entrance into the world of rugby.

As the World Cup approaches, rugby organizations will do well to remember the seagull incident as a cautionary tale. They may seem like mere birds to some, but to others, they are heroes, legends, and symbols of hope. So, let us all band together and keep our birds safe before they become the stuff of tragedy.

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