New York Firefighters were surprised to find they had been tricked when they received reports of a house on fire, only to discover that the flames were actually part of an “amazing” Halloween decoration

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New York Firefighters were surprised to find they had been tricked when they received reports of a house on fire, only to discover that the flames were actually part of an “amazing” Halloween decoration.

The owner of the house, who chose to remain anonymous, had created the impressive display to scare and delight the neighbourhood children, and to combat the boredom that inevitably sets in when living in a quiet suburban area. Apparently, the homeowner spared no expense to make sure that their Halloween display was the talk of the town – complete with smoke, red and orange lights, and a makeshift fire pit that lit up the side of their house. Never mind the potential danger or the confusion that it would cause, amirite?

But while this homeowner may have been proud of their decorative skills, the Fire Department was less than amused by the false alarm. “We almost lost our minds when we arrived on the scene, only to find out that it was a Halloween decoration,” one firefighter exclaimed. “We’re all for fun and games, but this was just ridiculous,” another added.

The incident has raised alarms on safety issues as well, with local officials urging homeowners not to create Halloween decorations that could be mistaken for real-life dangers. Communities attempt to create safer neighbourhoods but then they go and pull a stunt like this, making it harder for the brave people who actually work to uphold safety standards.

This Halloween decoration was said to be so realistic that it even fooled some of the locals, many of whom called 911 to report the “house fire.” One neighbour who asked to be remain anonymous said, “I thought the house was really on fire! I called the fire department and they told me it was just a decoration. I was embarrassed and angry at the same time!”

But despite the prank gone awry, the owner of the house insisted that they did nothing wrong. “It’s Halloween, it’s supposed to be scary, isn’t it?” they said in defense. “Besides, isn’t it better this than just handing out candy like everybody else?”

In conclusion, the lesson learned here is, as one firefighter put it, “Halloween is a time for spooks and thrills, but no one should ever be made to believe that their lives or property is in danger. Keep it cute and creative, not stupid and dangerous.” So, homeowners, keep your decorations safe and fun, and if you do decide to go all out, be sure to let your local fire department know ahead of time to avoid any confusion and false alarms.

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