Google, the ever-reliable search engine, has finally released its annual Halloween costume search list – ‘Frightgeist’ – and people are already scrambling to get their hands on the hottest costumes of the season

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Google, the ever-reliable search engine, has finally released its annual Halloween costume search list – ‘Frightgeist’ – and people are already scrambling to get their hands on the hottest costumes of the season.

At the top of the list this year is the classic “sexy cat” costume. Because what’s Halloween without the over-sexualization of animals, right? Women everywhere are sure to pop on some ears and a tail and call it a day in hopes of catching the attention of their cat-loving male counterparts.

Coming in a close second is the always popular “superhero” costume. Because why be a normal human when you can be a person with extraordinary abilities? And don’t worry, women can still wear tight, revealing bodysuits while fighting crime. Because what’s feminism without a little objectification?

Rounding out the top three is the ever-timely “Donald Trump” costume. Because nothing screams Halloween like merging politics and scary costumes. Picking up a bad comb-over wig and orange spray tan will surely make you the hit of any party. Just be prepared for the overwhelming amount of political discussions that will undoubtedly follow.

Some surprising additions to this year’s list include “Emoji” costumes, because what better way to express ourselves than through tiny cartoon symbols on our clothing? And “Minions” costumes, because why dress up as anything individual when you can be one of dozens of identical yellow creatures from a children’s movie franchise?

There are also some questionable entries on the list, such as the “Sexy Ken Bone” costume. Yes, you read that right, America’s favorite undecided voter has been turned into a sexualized Halloween costume. Because nothing says ‘spooky’ like the objectification of a real person.

But fear not, traditionalists – the classic “witch” costume still made the list, providing a timeless option for those who prefer to stick to the traditional spooky theme. And for those who are truly over the Halloween clown craze, there is also the option to opt for the “Pennywise” costume from the still-popular movie “IT”.

Overall, Google’s release of the ‘Frightgeist’ list has once again given us an insight into the minds of Halloween enthusiasts everywhere. From the over-sexualization of animals, to the blending of politics and scary costumes, it’s a wacky and wonderful world of costume possibilities out there.

So, go ahead and embrace your inner-sexy cat, superhero, or Donald Trump – just don’t be surprised when you end up being one of many at the same party. But hey, at least you’ll have a popular search engine to thank for your costume choice.

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