A lucky woman from North Carolina has won her second major lottery prize, leaving many of us wondering what kind of witchcraft she’s been practicing

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A lucky woman from North Carolina has won her second major lottery prize, leaving many of us wondering what kind of witchcraft she’s been practicing.

44-year-old Kimberly Morris of Wake Forest won the Carolina Cash 5 jackpot of $447,000 just five years after winning $100,000 from a scratch-off ticket. Morris, who bought the ticket during her lunch break, said she was in disbelief when she first realised she’d won.

“I checked the numbers four times before I knew they were real,” Morris told reporters. “It’s just amazing, I never thought I would be this lucky again.”

Morris, who works as an everyday person like the rest of us, was quick to point out that she had no secret formula, but if we’re being honest, she’s probably in league with the devil. How else do you explain winning the lottery not once but twice?

Observers and lottery experts have expressed their disbelief and some have even said that it’s unfair Morris is winning so often. The lottery is meant to be a fair and random game that gives everyone an equal chance at winning, yet here we have one woman strutting around like she’s invincible.

Some have even gone as far as to suggest that Morris must have some kind of inside information or uses some kind of supernatural power to select the winning numbers. But the rest of us mortals just have to rely on pure, dumb luck, which is never on our side.

We asked some of Morris’ coworkers what they thought, and most seemed both happy and annoyed. “I’m pleased for her, honestly,” said one coworker. “But at the same time, I don’t think it’s fair. Some of us can’t even win a dollar from a scratch-off.”

Morris, however, remains completely unfazed by the criticism and has said she plans to use the winnings to help pay off her mortgage and save for her children’s education.

If Morris keeps up her record of winning, we can’t help but wonder if she’ll win yet another jackpot in a few years time. Maybe she’s a witch who’s figured out how to milk the lottery system for all its worth. We’re not saying it’s true, but it might not be a bad idea to keep an eye on her just in case.

In any case, we hope Morris enjoys her win and we’ll just have to console ourselves with the knowledge that there are plenty of other lottery games to play and lose at. May the odds be ever in our favour.

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