Man Receives “Just a Placeholder” $1

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Man Receives “Just a Placeholder” $1.4 Million Speeding Ticket

In what can only be described as a bizarre incident, a man from Georgia was hit with a $1.4 million speeding ticket. Yes, you read that right. One. Point. Four. Million. Of course, this is all according to the city officials who hand out these absurdly high tickets, but we’ll take their word for it, right?

The story goes like this: the man was driving his trusty pickup truck down a quiet road when he was nabbed by a police officer using one of those fancy radar guns. The officer, with a smug look on his face, happily handed the driver the speeding ticket, and the rest, as they say, is history.

But wait, there’s more! According to the city officials, the $1.4 million figure was just a placeholder. A placeholder? What, were they waiting for a Hollywood celebrity to come along and cough up the dough without batting an eye?

Now, we know what you’re thinking. “Why on earth would a speeding ticket cost $1.4 million?” Excellent question, dear reader. It seems the city has decided to start treating speeding like a luxury service – you know, like caviar, champagne, or a private jet. And if you can’t afford it, well, too bad for you.

We reached out to the city for a comment on their astronomical fine, and they gave us this statement, “We apologize for any confusion our placeholder number may have caused. Our actual fine for speeding is only $50,000 per mile over the speed limit.” Only $50,000? What a deal!

But back to our hapless driver. We can only imagine the shock and awe he must have felt upon seeing a $1.4 million price tag for simply going a little too fast. It’s a good thing he wasn’t chewing gum or littering, or we might be talking about a $10 million fine instead.

In all seriousness, though, let’s just hope this incident serves as a wake-up call for all of us lead-footed drivers out there. The city officials mean business, and they’re not afraid to make an example out of anyone who crosses their path – or their speed limit.

As for our Georgia man, we can only assume he’s now panhandling on the side of the road to make up for his speeding ticket. The good news is, he only has to sell 28,000 of those “Will Work for Food” signs to pay off his fine. Piece of cake.

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