Bethesda, MD – In a stunning turn of events, a Maryland woman’s dream has led her to win a whopping $50,000 lottery prize

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Bethesda, MD – In a stunning turn of events, a Maryland woman’s dream has led her to win a whopping $50,000 lottery prize. We couldn’t believe it either.

According to the woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, she had a dream about winning the lottery and decided to buy a ticket the next day. Well, slap us silly and call us skeptics because her dream actually came true.

“I couldn’t believe it,” she said in a statement released by the Maryland Lottery. “I never thought my dreams could come true, but here I am with $50,000 in my bank account.”

The woman, who described herself as a casual lottery player, says she plans to use the money to pay off some bills and potentially take a vacation. What a shocker, a lottery winner using their winnings to be responsible and enjoy life. We’ve never heard that before.

The Maryland Lottery also noted that this was the second big win in the area this week, after a man won $10,000 on a scratch-off ticket. Wow, Maryland must really be the land of dreams come true.

In response to the news, social media has been ablaze with comments like “I guess I should start dreaming about winning the lottery” and “Maybe if I dream hard enough, the lottery gods will hear me.”

We can only imagine the amount of people heading out to buy lottery tickets now, convinced that their dreams are the ticket to big wins. We’re not saying it won’t happen, but we are saying that relying on dreams for financial stability may not be the best plan…unless you’re okay with living in a cardboard box.

Regardless, we want to congratulate the Maryland woman on her impressive win and hope that she enjoys her newfound wealth. We also want to give a shoutout to all the other dreamers out there who hope to strike it big one day. Who knows, maybe your dreams will come true too.

In the meantime, we’ll be over here dreaming about winning the lottery and hoping that it’s easier than we think. Because let’s face it, being responsible with money is overrated.

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