PARENTS IN SHOCK AS NEWBORN REFUSES TO TALK TO THEM FOR FIRST 6 MONTHS In a bizarre turn of events, a newborn baby has refused to speak to his parents for the first six months of his life, causing his parents to believe he is mad at them

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In a bizarre turn of events, a newborn baby has refused to speak to his parents for the first six months of his life, causing his parents to believe he is mad at them.

The parents, who wish to remain anonymous, said they were at a loss for words – literally – when their child refused to communicate with them after being born. They said they had tried everything to make him speak, from cooing to singing to him, but to no avail.

“We thought maybe he was upset with us, or maybe he didn’t like our voices,” the father said. “But then we realized he just wasn’t talking. It was quite a shock, to be honest.”

The mother said she had even gone so far as to take the baby to a speech therapist, but they were told it was normal for babies to not start speaking until around six months old.

“We were really worried that we had done something wrong or that there was something wrong with him,” she said. “But the therapist told us that it was completely normal and that he would start talking when he was ready.”

The parents said that during the six months of silence, they had tried to communicate with their baby in other ways, such as through touch and facial expressions. They said this had helped them build a closer bond with their child, even without words.

“He may not be speaking yet, but we can still tell that he loves us and we love him,” the mother said.

Experts say that newborns not speaking until around six months old is completely normal, and there is no need for parents to worry.

“Newborn babies are just starting to learn about the world around them, and their brains are still developing,” said Dr. Jane Smith, a child psychologist. “It takes time for them to begin to understand language and how to use it.”

She said parents should focus on bonding with their newborns and not worry about them not speaking yet.

“Communication is not just about words,” she said. “Your baby is still communicating with you through their gestures, facial expressions, and body language. Just keep talking to them and interacting with them, and soon enough they’ll be babbling away with you.”

The parents said they were relieved to hear that their baby’s lack of speech was normal. They said they were looking forward to their child starting to talk and being able to hear his voice for the first time.

“We can’t wait for him to start talking,” the father said. “But we’re also really grateful for this time we’ve had with him, just bonding and getting to know each other in our own way.”

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