Artists have long been known for their ability to merge creativity with different mediums, often resulting in pieces that leave us scratching our heads and questioning our own artistic abilities

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Artists have long been known for their ability to merge creativity with different mediums, often resulting in pieces that leave us scratching our heads and questioning our own artistic abilities. But what if we told you that the latest trend in the art world combines two unlikely items: a bagel and felt?

Yes, you read that right – a bagel and a schmear made of felt are now considered a masterpiece in the world of art. Move over, Van Gogh and Picasso, there’s a new kid in town.

According to sources, the trend began when a starving artist (quite literally) was looking for inspiration in his empty fridge. Facing the prospect of another night of hunger pains, he spotted an old bagel lying on his kitchen counter. Drawing on his artistic capabilities, he promptly smothered it with a generous helping of felt and voila, a new art form was born.

Experts in the field have been left astounded by the creativity and ingenuity of this new medium. “I never thought I would see the day when a bagel and felt could be transformed into art,” remarked renowned art critic, Jemma McArtiste. “It just goes to show that true art can emerge from the unlikeliest of places.”

The bagel and felt trend has already taken social media by storm, with Instagram feeds flooded with pictures of the edible artwork. Instagram influencers have jumped on the bandwagon, showcasing their own take on this latest addition to the art world.

Not everyone is convinced of the trend, however. Some critics have voiced concerns that the felt could be ingested, posing a choking hazard to unsuspecting admirers of the art. Others argue that the use of food as an artistic medium is a frivolous and wasteful pursuit, especially at a time when food insecurity is a prevalent issue in some parts of the world.

Regardless of the naysayers, the trend doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. Rumour has it that some of the world’s most prestigious galleries are clamouring to acquire their own piece of bagel and felt art.

So if you’re feeling peckish and looking for a way to satisfy both your hunger and your artistic inclinations, look no further than your kitchen cupboard. Who knows, you may be the next big thing in the world of art. And all it takes is a stale bagel and some felt.

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