Kentucky, USA – A recently escaped horse on a Kentucky highway has found a new home, much to the delight of animal lovers and drivers alike

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Kentucky, USA – A recently escaped horse on a Kentucky highway has found a new home, much to the delight of animal lovers and drivers alike.

On Wednesday night, the horse, who we can only assume was going stir-crazy in its usual paddock, made a break for it and decided to go for a nice little trot down the highway, causing quite the commotion amongst drivers. One eyewitness described the scene as “terrifying, watching a giant beast charging towards you at full speed”.

Luckily, no one was hurt, but motorists were left with a rather unusual obstacle on the road, causing traffic to come to a standstill. The horse, however, seemed to be enjoying the attention, running around in circles, neighing and generally causing mayhem.

It wasn’t long before the police were called to the scene, and after a brief pursuit, the horse was finally caught and brought to safety. Cue a collective sigh of relief from everyone involved.

But what now for this wayward equine? Well, it seems the horse won’t be causing any more problems on the highway anytime soon as it’s now been given a new home. That’s right; the horse is no longer living in the lap of equine luxury at its old home, but instead has been relocated to a farm in the countryside, where it can frolic in peace and quiet.

In a statement, the horse’s owner confirmed that they had gifted the horse to its new owners as a way of saying thanks for helping capture the runaway. “We’re just happy the horse is safe and sound, and we know it’ll be well looked after in its new home,” they said.

Of course, the real winners in all of this are the drivers who were caught up in the horse chase. No longer will they have to worry about equine runaways on their daily commute to work – or so they think. The horse’s former owner has been hesitant to confirm whether any more of their horses are planning an escape, issuing only a cryptic comment that “you never know what might happen with horses.”

So for now, we’ll just have to keep our eyes peeled and ensure our seat belts are fastened extra tightly, just in case another horse decides to follow in its friend’s footsteps.

In conclusion, we’re glad to see this horse has found a new home and is no longer a danger to the motorists in Kentucky. But as for the possibility of more four-legged friends hitting the highway, we’ll have to wait and see.

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