Astonishing moment an eagle has been captured on camera as it swoops down to break every single rule of fair play to steal a hard-earned meal from two storks

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Astonishing moment an eagle has been captured on camera as it swoops down to break every single rule of fair play to steal a hard-earned meal from two storks. The eagle, who was seemingly feeling a little too big for his boots, spotted the storks going about their day, minding their own business, before he made the humiliating decision to show off his superior skills and take their food for himself.

Footage captured shows the moment the eagle soars above the storks and takes absolutely no regard for them as he viciously snatches away their meal. The two storks, who were clearly shocked by this violent aggression, are seen looking confused and disappointed in themselves for not being as quick as the eagle. The two birds have been left hungry and without any dinner after their hard work was snatched away in an instant, with some bird experts speculating that they may need to start looking for a food bank to help them get by.

The eagle, on the other hand, seemed to be absolutely delighted with himself after his successful theft, as he can clearly be seen basking in the glory of his own smugness. His feathers were ruffling with pride, and his beady little eyes were fixed on the stolen goods as he enjoyed a delicious meal that wasn’t even his to begin with. Some people are just never satisfied, are they?

The video has since gone viral on social media, with thousands of people weighing in on what they think about the eagle’s appalling behaviour. Some people were quick to defend the eagle, pointing out that he is just doing what comes naturally to him, and that it’s the storks’ own fault for not being more careful. However, others were less understanding, with one Twitter user commenting: “This is so typical of those darn eagles. They think they’re so much better than everyone else, with their perfect vision and razor-sharp talons. Well, I for one am sick of their arrogance.”

It is unclear at this stage whether any legal action will be taken against the eagle for his crimes, but some are calling for him to at least attend some sort of therapy to work on his over-inflated ego and tendencies towards robbery. However, with the country still reeling from the shock of this incident, it seems as though we may never see justice for these poor, defenceless storks.

Overall, this is a shocking reminder of the inequalities that are still present in our feathered communities. Although we may like to think that the natural world is a fair and just place, we can clearly see that some animals are simply born with a silver spoon in their beaks. The storks must now work tirelessly to rebuild their lives after this traumatic event, while the eagle will no doubt continue to swagger around, thinking he’s the king of the skies. It’s a sad day when even nature itself can’t resist the temptation to be a little bit petty and mean.

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