Wallaby on the Loose in Chicago’s South Suburbs: Wildlife or Lost Pet? Residents of Chicago’s south suburbs were in for a surprise this week when a wallaby was spotted hopping through their neighborhoods

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Wallaby on the Loose in Chicago’s South Suburbs: Wildlife or Lost Pet?

Residents of Chicago’s south suburbs were in for a surprise this week when a wallaby was spotted hopping through their neighborhoods. As expected, the furry marsupial caused quite the commotion, with locals scrambling to take pictures and call animal control.

The wallaby, which is native to Australia, is not a common sight in the chilly Chicago area. It’s unclear how the creature ended up in the suburbs, but some speculate that it may be a lost pet or escaped from a nearby zoo.

Local authorities are urging residents to be cautious and avoid approaching or touching the wallaby, as it is a wild animal and may become aggressive if cornered. Animal control officials have been notified and are currently in the process of attempting to locate and capture the elusive creature.

In the meantime, social media has been abuzz with sightings and speculation about the wallaby’s whereabouts. Some have even dubbed the animal “Hopper,” after the famous kangaroo character from the Pixar movie “A Bug’s Life.”

One local resident, who wished to remain anonymous, joked: “I always thought the weirdest thing I’d see around here was a deer or maybe a coyote. But a wallaby? That takes the cake. Maybe we should start a zoo!”

As for what will happen to the wallaby once it is caught, that remains to be seen. Animal control officials say that they will work to find the creature’s owner, if it has one, and will also explore options for placing it in a suitable habitat if necessary.

In the meantime, locals are encouraged to keep their eyes peeled and stay alert for any further wallaby sightings. And for those who are still in shock over the bizarre turn of events, just remember: anything can happen in the Windy City.

So, if you were planning a weekend getaway to Chicago, be sure to pack your safari gear and expect the unexpected. Who knows, you might just come across a wallaby or two jumping around on the street!

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