Potential buyers are flocking to a funeral home in Massachusetts after a sign was posted outside the property claiming that it is “probably” haunted

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Potential buyers are flocking to a funeral home in Massachusetts after a sign was posted outside the property claiming that it is “probably” haunted. You read that right, folks; the prospect of having to deal with enigmatic specters and ghostly apparitions is apparently a selling point for this establishment.

The sign was first noticed by a passerby who, upon seeing the words “Probably Haunted” emblazoned on the front of the building, wondered if the realtor had somehow misplaced a few screws before putting it up for sale. But according to the owners of the funeral home, the label is no joke.

“We’ve had some strange occurrences here over the years,” one of the owners stated in an interview. “Doors that won’t stay shut, lights flickering, faint whispers in empty rooms; that sort of thing. We can’t say for sure that it’s ghosts, but we haven’t been able to come up with any other explanation.”

The owners, of course, are not trying to sell the funeral home based solely on its supernatural activity. They emphasize that the property is in an excellent location, boasts spacious rooms, and is fully equipped with all the necessary equipment for a successful funeral business. However, they also acknowledge that the “probably haunted” sign has generated a lot of buzz and increased interest from curious buyers.

“It’s certainly not something that you see every day,” noted a local realtor. “I don’t know if I’d be comfortable marketing a property as ‘probably haunted,’ but hey, whatever works, right?”

However, some potential buyers are greeting the news with skepticism. “I mean, come on,” one buyer commented. “Just because a building is old and makes creaky noises doesn’t mean it’s haunted. I’ll believe it when I see it.”

Despite the mixed reactions to the “probably haunted” label, the funeral home owners seem confident that it will ultimately help them sell the property. After all, who wouldn’t want to spend their days surrounded by the unseen spirits of the dead?

“We’ve had some people come in here specifically because of the sign,” one owner said with a smile. “They want to experience something supernatural, to see if there really are ghosts in this place. And who knows? Maybe they’ll find what they’re looking for.”

Whether or not the funeral home is actually haunted remains to be seen, but one thing is for sure: this sign has certainly breathed new life into the property’s marketing campaign. So if you’re in the market for a funeral home that may or may not be infested with restless apparitions, be sure to check it out – and remember to bring your ghost hunting equipment!

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