“Emu on the Loose: A Town’s New Celebrity?” Residents of the small Massachusetts town of Milford have been buzzing with excitement over a new celebrity in their midst: an emu, who has been spotted roaming the streets and causing a stir

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“Emu on the Loose: A Town’s New Celebrity?”

Residents of the small Massachusetts town of Milford have been buzzing with excitement over a new celebrity in their midst: an emu, who has been spotted roaming the streets and causing a stir.

Animal control officers have been called in to deal with the wayward bird, but they’ve hit a snag in their efforts to capture it: according to reports, the emu’s owner has moved out of the state, leaving the poor bird to fend for itself.

Now, locals are taking matters into their own hands. Some have taken to social media to share sightings of the emu, while others have taken up arms (figuratively speaking, of course) in an effort to bring the bird safely back home.

“It’s like we have our own mini-‘Jurassic Park’ right here in Milford,” said one resident, who asked to remain anonymous. “I mean, sure, the emu isn’t as cool as a velociraptor or a T-rex, but it’s still pretty cool.”

Others have expressed concern for the bird’s well-being, especially with winter just around the corner.

“I just hope the poor thing is okay,” said another resident. “I mean, it’s not like it’s a penguin or something. Emus are from Australia, right? They’re used to warmer weather.”

Animal control officers have assured the public that they’re doing everything in their power to safely capture the emu, without resorting to excessive force. They’ve also urged residents not to approach the bird, as it could become aggressive if it feels threatened.

Still, some are holding out hope that the emu will choose to stay in Milford for good.

“Maybe this is just the start of something great,” said one resident, optimistically. “Who knows? Maybe the emu will decide it likes it here and set up a permanent residence. We could start selling ‘I ♥ Milford Emus’ shirts and everything!”

For now, the emu remains on the loose, delighting and confounding the residents of Milford in equal measure. As to what the future holds for this wayward bird? Only time – and the actions of its captors – will tell.

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