Michigan Lighthouse Offers Revolutionary Way to Attract Tourists: Messages in a Bottle In a groundbreaking marketing move, a Michigan lighthouse is offering free stays to anyone who finds one of their messages in a bottle

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Michigan Lighthouse Offers Revolutionary Way to Attract Tourists: Messages in a Bottle

In a groundbreaking marketing move, a Michigan lighthouse is offering free stays to anyone who finds one of their messages in a bottle. According to the lighthouse director, the idea came to him in a dream after binge-watching episodes of Gilligan’s Island.

“I was inspired by that episode where they wrote messages in bottles and hoped someone would find them,” said the director. “I thought, why can’t we do that to promote our lighthouse? It’s genius!”

The messages in the bottles will include a coupon for a free one-night stay at the lighthouse’s guest house. However, the lucky finder must book a second night at regular price to qualify for the promotion.

Critics of the promotion are saying it’s a desperate attempt to attract tourists to a lighthouse that has nothing else to offer. But the director insists that it’s a revolutionary way to engage with potential guests.

“We’re not just offering a place to sleep,” he said. “We’re offering an experience. The thrill of finding a message in a bottle, the joy of staying in a real lighthouse – these are things you can’t find at a boring old hotel.”

The lighthouse staff will be placing the bottles in various locations around the Great Lakes, including on beaches, in parks, and even in the water itself. They expect that it will create a buzz on social media and word of mouth, leading to an influx of visitors to the lighthouse.

“I can’t wait to see all the Instagram posts of people finding our bottles,” said the director. “It’s going to be huge.”

While the concept of messages in bottles is not new, the director insists that their promotion is unique because of the exclusivity of the free stay.

“Other places might put messages in bottles just for fun, but we’re offering a real incentive,” he said. “Who wouldn’t want to stay in a lighthouse for free? It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

Time will tell if the promotion is successful in luring tourists to the Michigan lighthouse. But one thing is for sure – it’s a bold move that has never been done before.

“I’m excited to see the impact it will have,” said the director. “Who knows, maybe we’ll start a trend of other lighthouses offering free stays through messages in bottles.”

So if you’re planning a trip to Michigan this summer, keep an eye out for a message in a bottle. You never know – it could be your ticket to a free night in a lighthouse.

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