Local man Steve Johnson was overjoyed when he realized he had won a $75,000 lottery ticket

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Local man Steve Johnson was overjoyed when he realized he had won a $75,000 lottery ticket. “I couldn’t believe it,” he exclaimed to our reporters. “All those years of playing the lottery finally paid off!”

However, Johnson’s joy was short-lived when he remembered his ex-father-in-law, whom he had not spoken to in years. “I knew I had to share the wealth with him,” Johnson said, his voice dripping with fake sincerity.

According to Johnson, his ex-wife’s father had always been a big believer in the lottery and had even shared his own winnings with the couple when they were still married. “I didn’t want to be the only one enjoying all that sweet, sweet cash,” Johnson said with a smirk.

The ex-father-in-law, who asked to remain anonymous, was initially shocked when Johnson called him to share the news. “I never thought I’d hear from him again, let alone receive a $75,000 check,” he said.

Despite the apparent goodwill gesture, rumors began to circulate that Johnson had ulterior motives for sharing the winnings with his ex-father-in-law. Some speculated that he was trying to win back his ex-wife’s affection, while others accused him of trying to make himself look like a generous person.

“I mean, come on,” one neighbor, who wished to remain anonymous, said. “The guy probably spent more money on lottery tickets trying to win that $75,000 than he’s giving away now.”

Johnson, however, denied all accusations of selfishness. “I just wanted to do the right thing,” he said with a straight face. “The fact that my ex-father-in-law happens to benefit from it is just a coincidence.”

The ex-father-in-law, for his part, was grateful for the unexpected windfall. “I can afford to take that cruise I’ve always wanted now,” he said, his eyes glimmering with excitement.

As for Johnson and his ex-wife, they remain estranged. “He can keep his money,” she said when reached for comment. “I want nothing to do with him.”

Despite the drama surrounding the lottery winnings, Johnson said he had no regrets about his decision to share the wealth with his ex-father-in-law. “It was the right thing to do,” he said, his smile seeming a little too fake. “And who knows? Maybe karma will come back around and reward me for my generosity.”

The $75,000 lottery ticket may have been almost a gift for Johnson’s ex-father-in-law, but the real gift was the entertainment value it provided for the rest of the neighborhood.

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