In a news story that is sure to have you scratching your head, a man has reportedly stumbled upon a winning Powerball ticket worth $100,000 while cleaning out his truck

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In a news story that is sure to have you scratching your head, a man has reportedly stumbled upon a winning Powerball ticket worth $100,000 while cleaning out his truck. That’s right, folks. Forget about looking for spare change in between your couch cushions, because apparently all you need to do is clean out your vehicle to strike it rich.

The man, who has yet to be named, reportedly thought he had hit the jackpot back in early March when he saw the winning numbers on the TV screen. However, after double-checking his own ticket, he realized that he had only matched four of the five numbers, plus the Powerball. While this is still a great feat in itself, it wasn’t quite enough to score him the grand prize.

Fast forward a few weeks later, and the man was behind the wheel, cleaning out his truck like a true #adulting hero. Lo and behold, what did he find? That’s right. The winning Powerball ticket that he had stuck in a random compartment and completely forgot about.

Now, call us skeptical, but this story seems too good to be true. What are the chances that someone would not only find a winning Powerball ticket, but also forget about it, only to stumble upon it weeks later? We’re not mathematicians, but we’re pretty sure those odds are pretty slim, much like our chances of winning the actual lottery.

But hey, who are we to judge? Maybe this man is just incredibly forgetful, or maybe the universe works in mysterious ways. Either way, we can’t help but feel a twinge of envy that this man was able to score $100,000 without even actively trying.

And while it’s great news for him, we can’t help but think about all the other things he could have found in his truck if he had just looked a little harder. Maybe there was a hidden stash of cash, or a valuable antique, or even a long-lost childhood toy that would have brought him more happiness than a quick influx of cash ever could.

But hey, who needs sentimental value when you have money, right? We’re sure this man will be running to the bank as soon as humanly possible to deposit his winnings, and we don’t blame him one bit.

So there you have it, folks. The moral of the story? Always clean out your car, because you never know what hidden treasures you might find. Or, you know, just play the lottery and hope for the best. We’re not sure which option is more realistic, but we’ll let you decide.

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