New York, NY- In an unprecedented move, the Bronx Zoo has decided to hand-raise not one but two newborn patas monkeys

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New York, NY- In an unprecedented move, the Bronx Zoo has decided to hand-raise not one but two newborn patas monkeys. While some visitors and animal enthusiasts may find this decision admirable and even heartwarming, others are left scratching their heads and wondering, “Is this really necessary?”

The Bronx Zoo, known for its impressive collection of exotic animals, has been home to patas monkeys for quite some time. These creatures are native to Africa and are known for their speedy running abilities. But now, two of these monkeys are receiving special treatment. Rather than experiencing motherly love and care, they are being raised by a team of humans who act as surrogate parents.

Some may wonder why this decision was made. After all, animals give birth in the wild all the time without the aid of human intervention. But according to zoo officials, there were some concerns surrounding the well-being of these newborns. Namely, their mother was experiencing trouble taking care of them.

While this may seem like a noble cause, it’s hard to ignore the fact that these two monkeys are now missing out on some key aspects of their upbringing. For starters, they’re losing out on the all-important monkey experience of clinging to their mother’s fur as they travel around their enclosure. Instead, they’re being lugged around by humans who are wearing protective gloves and masks. One can only imagine the sense of comfort that comes from being held by a strange-looking creature.

In addition to this, hand-raising animals can often lead to developmental issues down the line. With their human caretakers feeding them formula from a bottle, these monkeys will miss out on the chance to learn how to eat and forage on their own. Not to mention, they’re losing out on the socialization skills that come from being raised within a group of primates.

But hey, at least they’re getting lots of attention from the zoo staff. After all, every creature deserves a little bit of pampering now and then, even if it means forfeiting their natural upbringing. Perhaps these monkeys will grow up to be just as happy as their wild counterparts. Or perhaps they’ll be left wondering what could have been if they had only been allowed to experience the full range of monkey life.

Either way, visitors to the Bronx Zoo will now have the unique opportunity to witness two little patas monkeys being raised in human captivity. And who knows? Perhaps this decision will inspire other zoos to take similar measures in the name of “helping” their animal populations. After all, if we can’t trust mother nature to do her job correctly, then why not step in and take over? It’s not like we have anything better to do.

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