Lucky man wins lottery jackpot by just one number In a bizarre twist of fate, a local man has managed to scoop the jackpot in the lottery just one day after missing out on the prize by a single number

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Lucky man wins lottery jackpot by just one number

In a bizarre twist of fate, a local man has managed to scoop the jackpot in the lottery just one day after missing out on the prize by a single number. Sources say that the man, who wishes to remain anonymous, can’t believe his luck.

“He was devastated when he realized he was only one number off from winning the big prize,” said a lottery spokesperson. “But he just couldn’t resist buying another ticket – and boy, did it pay off.”

The man, who is said to be in his 40s and works as a janitor at a local school, is already planning how he’ll spend the money.

“I can’t believe it,” he said in a statement issued through the lottery. “I’ve never won anything in my life before, and now I’ve won the jackpot! I’m going to buy a brand new car, take a trip to Hawaii, and treat my family to a luxurious vacation.”

While the man may be feeling on top of the world right now, not everyone is quite so thrilled with his good fortune.

“I mean, seriously? This guy missed out on the prize by just one number, and then he wins the next day?” said one lottery player who wished to remain anonymous. “It’s just not fair.”

Others were more philosophical about the man’s stroke of luck.

“Well, you know what they say – the universe has a way of balancing things out,” said another lottery player. “Maybe he was meant to miss out on the prize yesterday, so he could win the jackpot today.”

Whatever the reason behind his good luck, it’s clear that the man is now set for life. He says he plans to quit his job and live off the interest from his winnings – a move that is sure to have his former colleagues green with envy.

“At this point, I don’t think I’ll ever have to work again,” he said. “I’m just grateful for this incredible stroke of luck, and I plan to enjoy every single penny.”

In summary, this man’s luck could almost be seen as comical, coming so close to hitting the jackpot only to win it the next day. Nevertheless, it is a heartwarming story of a man who came into a fortune and can now live out his dreams. One can only hope that he’ll spend his winnings wisely and not blow it all on fancy cars and tropical vacations. But hey, if anyone deserves a bit of a splurge, it’s this lucky guy.

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