Sunnyville, California – In a stunning decision, the City Council of Sunnyville has declared that it wants to host the world’s largest water balloon fight

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Sunnyville, California – In a stunning decision, the City Council of Sunnyville has declared that it wants to host the world’s largest water balloon fight. Apparently, the city’s leaders believe that their citizens have nothing better to do with their time than hurl small, plastic-filled balloons at each other.

According to the city’s spokesperson, the event will be held at the Sunnyville City Park, which has been closed for three months to prepare for this earth-shattering occasion. The spokesperson went on to say that they expect to break the current record of 8,957 people set by the University of Kentucky back in 2011.

There’s just one problem: it’s currently summer in California, which means that the state is going through a drought. This has led some people to question whether the city is being a tad bit irresponsible by wasting a precious resource like water on something as frivolous as a water balloon fight.

But in Sunnyville, they don’t like to listen to naysayers. “We’ve got plenty of water,” said the mayor. “We’re not going to let a little drought stop us from having fun!”

Of course, the city has taken some precautions to ensure that it’s not completely wasteful with water. For instance, they’ve asked that all participants bring their own water balloons, so as to conserve the city’s water supply. They’ve also asked that participants don’t fill the balloons to capacity, so as to minimize unnecessary water usage.

In addition, the city will be using recycled water to fill up the giant buckets that will be used to re-fill the balloons. The buckets will be connected to a fire hydrant so as to ensure a steady supply of recycled water.

Critics, however, remain skeptical about the city’s efforts. “This is just another example of how out of touch the city’s leaders are,” said one resident. “Instead of focusing on important issues like education and public transportation, they’re wasting our water on something as dumb as a water balloon fight.”

Others expressed concerns about the potential for injury. “I don’t think the city council has really thought this through,” said another resident. “What’s going to happen when someone gets hit in the eye with one of these balloons? Or when someone slips and falls on the wet grass? This just seems like a disaster waiting to happen.”

Despite the criticism, the city remains undaunted. “We’re confident that we can pull this off,” said the city’s spokesperson. “We’re not just doing this for ourselves – we’re doing it for the world!”

Only time will tell whether Sunnyville will succeed in achieving their noble goal of breaking the world record for the largest water balloon fight. But one thing’s for sure – they’re certainly making a splash in the headlines.

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