City of Zen: New Yorkers Celebrate Summer Solstice with Outdoor Yoga New Yorkers showed off their best ‘downward dog’ poses as hundreds of people gathered in Times Square to celebrate the summer solstice

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City of Zen: New Yorkers Celebrate Summer Solstice with Outdoor Yoga

New Yorkers showed off their best ‘downward dog’ poses as hundreds of people gathered in Times Square to celebrate the summer solstice. The event, dubbed ‘Mind Over Madness Yoga’, saw participants stretch and bend under the boiling hot sun for an entire day of classes, sweating away their sanity in the name of zen.

Many attendees stated that they were thrilled to have the opportunity to display their yoga skills in such a public arena. “It’s not every day you get to challenge your boundaries like this,” said one participant, while feverishly mopping her forehead with a towel. “I mean, who wouldn’t want to do a headstand in the middle of Times Square?”

This year’s event was praised for its inclusivity, with classes catering to people of all ages, genders and experience levels. “I brought my whole family, even my grandmother came,” said one attendee. “Although, I’m not sure she appreciated the heat. Or the constant traffic noise.”

Despite the potential hazards of performing yoga on pavement, the day’s events ran smoothly, with emergency personnel on hand to deal with any twists, sprains or shattered egos. Participants were also encouraged to make donations to various yoga charities, in order to help fund more ‘mind over madness’ events throughout the year.

When asked about how they felt after a long day of outdoor yoga, most participants responded with groans of pain and cramps. “I’ll be feeling this for a week,” said one attendee, while massaging her cramped muscles. “But it was all worth it just to say I did yoga in Times Square.”

While some New Yorkers were quick to dismiss the event as just another gimmick to attract tourists, others spoke of its importance as a way of connecting with the city around them. “I think it’s great to see so many people come together in one place to do something positive for their mental and physical health,” said one wise attendee. “It’s a reminder that we can find peace even in the midst of chaos.”

As the sun began to set on another summer solstice, participants rolled up their yoga mats and headed home, proud of their achievements and possibly contemplating a long, cold shower. Whether or not they’ll be back next year for more ‘mind over madness’ is anyone’s guess, but for now, they can bask in the knowledge that they were part of something truly unique – and sweaty.

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