Yogis, those flexible fitness fanatics who enjoy twisting themselves into pretzels while pretending to relax, took over Times Square on Sunday to celebrate the summer solstice

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Yogis, those flexible fitness fanatics who enjoy twisting themselves into pretzels while pretending to relax, took over Times Square on Sunday to celebrate the summer solstice.

The event, which attracted hundreds of tie-dye wearing yoga enthusiasts, featured simultaneous classes on brightly colored mats as the sun beat down on the pavement and taxis honked in the distance.

The theme of the day was “peace and harmony,” as participants contorted themselves into positions with names like downward dog, happy baby, and warrior pose. But despite the zen atmosphere, the whole thing looked more like a strange cult gathering than a health and wellness event.

One observer described the scene as “a sea of spandex and incense,” while another commented on the “endless parade of self-congratulatory Instagram posts” from attendees.

But despite the degree of narcissism on display, the event was a massive success, with attendees apparently enjoying the mix of physical challenge and communal relaxation.

“We come every year,” said one devoted yogi, who looked like she may never have left her mat since last year’s event. “It’s such a beautiful way to welcome the summer.”

The solstice, which marks the longest day of the year, is celebrated by a variety of cultures around the world. In Times Square, it seems to have become an opportunity for yogis to take over the city for a day and show off their skills to tourists and locals alike.

Of course, there were a few skeptics in the crowd, who questioned the practicality of practicing yoga in the middle of a busy city with so much noise and distraction.

“If you’re really serious about yoga, you should be doing it in a quiet, peaceful environment away from all this chaos,” said one critic. “This is just a big publicity stunt.”

But for most attendees, the event was less about the yoga itself and more about the sense of community that comes with it. As one young woman said, “I never would have met all these amazing people if it weren’t for yoga.”

So whether you’re a die-hard yogi or just someone looking for a unique New York experience, the Times Square solstice celebration is definitely worth checking out. Just be prepared to dodge a few cabs and yoga mats along the way. Namaste.

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