After 50 long years and a lot of moo-nlight searching, a watch that was believed to have been swallowed by a cow has finally turned up, much to the surprise – and amusement – of its owners

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After 50 long years and a lot of moo-nlight searching, a watch that was believed to have been swallowed by a cow has finally turned up, much to the surprise – and amusement – of its owners.

According to the watch’s former owner, John Bull, it was a hot summer day back in 1971 when he accidentally dropped his beloved timepiece into a cow’s feeding trough. Despite attempts to retrieve the watch from the trough, Bull ultimately gave up after the cow appeared to have swallowed it whole.

Fast forward to present day and a farmer, who has chosen to remain anonymous, stumbled upon the vintage watch while mucking out his barn. After noticing the timepiece buried in a pile of manure, the farmer was able to clean off the decades’ worth of cow dung and rust to reveal the watch’s original state.

Bull, now in his eighties, was delighted to hear the news and couldn’t believe that his beloved watch had resurfaced after all these years. “I never thought I’d see the day that old Bessie would finally give back what she took from me,” Bull remarked. “It’s a miracle, really.”

The watch, a classic gold timepiece with intricate detailing, was once worth a pretty penny. However, due to its long and pungent stay inside the cow, its value has undoubtedly decreased. But for Bull, the sentimental value of the watch far outweighs any monetary worth. He plans to have it restored and put on display in his home, as a reminder of his farming days.

News of the watch’s miraculous reappearance has been met with mixed reactions. Animal rights activists have condemned the farmer for not properly checking on the welfare of his cows, claiming that if he had, the watch would have been discovered much earlier. PETA spokesperson, Daisy May, stated, “It’s a disgrace that cows are still being used as garbage disposals. We demand better treatment for these gentle creatures.”

Meanwhile, social media has been flooded with humorous memes and jokes about the cow’s iron stomach and its ability to withstand the test of time. “That’s one tough cow,” quipped one Twitter user. “I guess that’s why they call it a timepiece,” added another.

Despite the unconventional circumstances of its discovery, the watch has become somewhat of a symbol of perseverance and resilience. If a watch can survive being swallowed by a cow and withstand 50 years of manure, what else is possible?

In any case, John Bull is simply happy to have his beloved watch back in his possession. “I never lost faith that it would turn up someday,” Bull remarked. “But I never thought it would take the help of a cow to find it.”

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