(Boston, MA) – In a surprising turn of events, an 81-year-old Boston woman has been named the world’s oldest train driver

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(Boston, MA) – In a surprising turn of events, an 81-year-old Boston woman has been named the world’s oldest train driver. Yes, you read that right. At a time when most people are happily enjoying their retirement, this gritty grandma is taking the wheel of a train and steaming ahead.

The woman, whose name has not been disclosed for privacy reasons, has been working as a conductor for the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) for over sixty years. She started as a ticket collector in 1960 when the trains were still steam-powered and has worked her way up to being a train driver.

“This is not a job, it’s a passion for me,” the octogenarian driver told us in an exclusive interview. “I just love the feel of the engine under my control and the thrill of taking passengers to their destinations safely.”

Her colleagues and superiors couldn’t be more proud of her. The MBTA released a statement saying that the woman’s “dedication to her work is an inspiration to all of us. She is a testament to the fact that age is just a number.”

But not everyone is celebrating this news. Some people are doubting the woman’s ability to continue operating trains at her age. “This is a safety hazard,” one concerned citizen told us. “She’s too old to be driving a train. What if she has a medical emergency or loses control of the train?”

Others are worried that this decision sets a dangerous precedent. “If we allow an 81-year-old to be a train driver, what’s next? An 85-year-old pilot? A 90-year-old surgeon?” asked another critic.

However, the woman herself is dismissive of such criticism. “I’ve never had a medical emergency in all my years of working, and I don’t intend to start now,” she said with a wry smile. “As for losing control of the train, I challenge any young whipper-snapper to do it better than me.”

Her spunky attitude and can-do spirit are a refreshing change from the usual stereotypes of senior citizens being frail and helpless. This woman is living proof that age is just a number and that passion for work can keep one going even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

Congratulations to the world’s oldest train driver! May you continue to inspire us all with your tenacity and determination.

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