Crowds of tourists and locals alike gathered on the streets of Manhattan yesterday evening to witness the dazzling display of architectural wonder that is Manhattanhenge

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Crowds of tourists and locals alike gathered on the streets of Manhattan yesterday evening to witness the dazzling display of architectural wonder that is Manhattanhenge. Twice a year, New Yorkers bravely venture out of their cramped apartments to witness this rare occurrence, where the sun aligns perfectly with the city’s grid system and disappears into the horizon.

Each year, everyone is reminded of just how spectacular Manhattanhenge is, and how incredibly lucky we all are to be living in a city that is so perfectly built. Real estate developers and architects alike must be feeling extremely smug at this moment, knowing that they have contributed to the creation of a city that can provide such a stunning visual display.

The event, which takes place just twice a year, is a true testament to the fact that New York City is more than just overpriced coffee and overrated pizza joints. It proves that we are capable of producing beauty that is often only found in nature.

As the sun set behind the towering buildings, the streets of Manhattan erupted into a sea of smartphones and selfie sticks. It seemed as though everyone in attendance was trying to capture the moment, hoping to keep a piece of this enlightening experience with them forever.

But of course, not everyone was impressed. Some grumpy New Yorkers scoffed at the so-called “phenomenon,” deeming it as just another excuse for tourists to block the streets and hold up traffic. These bitter individuals clearly forgot that they too were once tourists themselves, gasping in awe at the sight of the city’s skyline.

Many experts have compared Manhattanhenge to Stonehenge, an ancient monument in England that was supposedly built for religious purposes. However, unlike Stonehenge, Manhattanhenge was built purely for human enjoyment. It serves as a reminder that in a city where the pace of life can be frenzied and overwhelming, there are moments of serene beauty that can make the hustle and bustle of city living worth it.

Overall, last night’s Manhattanhenge was a true delight for the senses. It was a sublime moment, where the city’s towering buildings acted as a beautiful frame for the setting sun, creating a picture-perfect moment that will be remembered for years to come.

So, for those of you who missed out on yesterday’s spectacle, fear not – there will be another chance to witness this phenomenon on July 13th. In the meantime, why not take a moment to contemplate the beauty of our city and the wonders that it can produce. Who knows? You might even find yourself taking a selfie or two.

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