“Guanajuato mistreats mummified bodies? What else is new?” In a shocking turn of events, Mexico’s federal archaeology agency has discovered that the conservative-governed city of Guanajuato has been mistreating their famous mummified corpses

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“Guanajuato mistreats mummified bodies? What else is new?”

In a shocking turn of events, Mexico’s federal archaeology agency has discovered that the conservative-governed city of Guanajuato has been mistreating their famous mummified corpses. In a statement released by the agency, they express their concern that the bodies are not being properly preserved and displayed for tourists to gawk at.

Now, we understand that mummified bodies are a big tourist attraction in Mexico. Who wouldn’t want to take a selfie with a perfectly preserved corpse? But we have to ask: is this really news? It’s not like Guanajuato has been known for their stellar treatment of these bodies in the past.

For those who don’t know, Guanajuato is home to the famous Museo de las Momias de Guanajuato, a museum dedicated to the mummified remains of the people who lived in the city in the 19th century. And we have to say, it’s not the most tasteful museum we’ve ever visited.

Not only are the bodies on display in somewhat gruesome poses, but they’re also lit in a way that makes them look more like Halloween decorations than historical artifacts. And, as the federal archaeology agency pointed out, they’re not being properly preserved.

But let’s be real here: if anyone expected Guanajuato to handle these bodies with care and respect, they were sorely mistaken. This is the same city that hosts a yearly festival where people wear skull masks and dance in the streets. It’s not like they’re known for their solemnity.

Of course, the conservative government of Guanajuato was quick to deny any wrongdoing. They claim that the bodies are being properly cared for and that any mistreatment is just a rumor spread by the liberal media.

But come on, we all know that’s not true. Guanajuato is a city that thrives on shock value. They want tourists to

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