A kangaroo who was clearly not content with life down under made a break for it from a local ranch and found himself hopping his way through a residential Texan neighborhood

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A kangaroo who was clearly not content with life down under made a break for it from a local ranch and found himself hopping his way through a residential Texan neighborhood. Residents were stunned as they looked out their windows and saw a kangaroo instead of the usual squirrels and birds.

The kangaroo, affectionately named “Skip” by the locals, was first spotted by 73-year-old Doris Campbell who was taking her morning walk around the block. “I couldn’t believe my eyes!”, exclaimed Doris. “I thought I might have had too much coffee this morning, but there he was hopping down the street like it was no big deal!”

The kangaroo didn’t seem to want to be caught, leading the residents on a merry chase around backyards, through gardens and over fences. Eventually, animal control arrived on the scene and managed to capture him with a few tranquilizer darts.

It is unknown how the kangaroo managed to escape from the ranch, but speculation is rife that he may have had some kind of accomplice on the inside. “It’s clear that someone has been aiding and abetting this kangaroo in his escape plan,” declared Sheriff John Brown. “We’re going to investigate this thoroughly and make sure this kind of thing doesn’t happen again.”

Skip was taken into custody and is now being held at a local zoo, where he is being given all the eucalyptus leaves he could ever dream of. “He seems to have settled in quite nicely,” says zookeeper Jane Smith. “Although he does get a bit sulky when we don’t have his favorite kind of leaf in stock.”

The incident has left the residents of the neighborhood shaken but also amused. “It’s not every day you see a kangaroo hopping down your street,” remarked one resident. “I think he brought a bit of excitement to our otherwise dull lives.”

Animal experts have expressed concern that kangaroos are not native to Texas and may struggle to adapt to the area. “Skip is lucky to have been found by animal control before he caused any damage or got injured,” warned zoologist Dr. Sarah Jensen. “Kangaroos aren’t built for Texas heat or the local flora and fauna. It’s important that we keep an eye on him and make sure he’s properly cared for.”

For now, Skip the kangaroo is the talk of the neighborhood, with many residents speculating where he might end up next. “Maybe he’ll start his own kangaroo gang,” joked one resident. “Who knows what he’s capable of!”

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