“Portal” Connects New York and Dublin via Live Stream: Because There’s Nothing Better To Do In a recent development that has left people scratching their heads, a company has launched a so-called “portal” that connects New York and Dublin via live stream

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“Portal” Connects New York and Dublin via Live Stream: Because There’s Nothing Better To Do

In a recent development that has left people scratching their heads, a company has launched a so-called “portal” that connects New York and Dublin via live stream. Yes, you read that right. Apparently, we’ve finally reached a point where we’re so bored with our lives that we need to plug in to a live stream just to feel connected with the world.

According to the creators of the portal, the idea was to bridge the gap between New York and Dublin and give people the chance to interact with others in a different part of the world. The portal consists of a large metal box that sits in a busy street in either city, and people can walk in and interact with someone on the other end.

At first glance, it might seem like a cool concept, but let’s be real here. Who has the time or inclination to walk into a metal box just to talk to a stranger on the other side? If you’re that desperate for human interaction, why not just go outside and interact with the people in your own city?

The creators of the portal claim that it’s a way to promote cultural exchange and understanding. However, it’s hard to see how staring at a screen and talking to someone for a few minutes is going to achieve that goal. Why not just buy a plane ticket and actually visit the other country?

The portal has garnered a lot of attention, with people lining up to try it out. But let’s be honest, the novelty of it will probably wear off pretty quickly. The screen is only so big, and the other person is still just a disembodied voice on the other end.

There are also concerns about the security of the portal. It’s not exactly clear what kind of data is being collected and stored, and who has access to it. As we’ve seen with other tech innovations, there’s always the risk of hackers getting in and stealing private information.

It’s also worth considering the environmental impact of the portal. How much energy is being used to power the live stream? And how many resources went into creating the metal box and all the tech components inside it?

In short, the portal may seem like a cute idea, but it’s ultimately just a gimmick designed to make us feel like we’re doing something cool and innovative. If we really want to connect with people from different parts of the world and promote cultural exchange, there are better ways to do it. Let’s put down our phones and computers and actually engage with the world around us, rather than retreating into a metal box for a few minutes of simulated connection.

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