In a heart-warming tale of animal rescue, a ‘grumpy’ snake was saved from the busy rush hour traffic in West Virginia yesterday

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In a heart-warming tale of animal rescue, a ‘grumpy’ snake was saved from the busy rush hour traffic in West Virginia yesterday. The brave team of animal control officers risked life and limb by stepping into the bustling lanes to retrieve the hissing reptile.

The snake, who we assume was having a particularly bad day, was spotted slithering across the road during the morning commute. Thankfully, a quick-thinking motorist called the authorities and the team was dispatched to the scene.

Eyewitnesses reported that the snake was clearly unhappy about being disturbed from its morning nap and was making its feelings known by hissing and lashing out at anyone who got too close. However, the brave animal control officers were undeterred and managed to carefully capture the irritable creature without any major incidents.

One officer, who preferred to remain anonymous, spoke to our reporters about the heroic rescue mission. “It wasn’t easy,” he admitted. “The snake was definitely grumpy and didn’t appreciate being manhandled. But we knew we had to act fast before it caused an accident.”

The snake was safely transported to a nearby animal sanctuary where it could rest and recover from its ordeal. It is not known if the snake suffered any injuries or was simply having a bad day.

This heart-warming story has captured the hearts of the nation, with many taking to social media to express their admiration for the brave animal control officers who risked their lives to save the grumpy snake.

One Twitter user wrote: “These animal control officers are real heroes! Saving a grumpy snake from rush hour traffic takes real bravery. #respect.”

Another wrote: “That poor, grumpy snake! I’m so glad it was rescued and can now rest in peace. #animalsarefriendsnotenemies.”

It’s moments like these that restore our faith in humanity. In a world full of so much hate and negativity, it’s reassuring to know that there are still people out there who are willing to go above and beyond to save the life of an angry, hissing snake.

Let’s hope that this story inspires others to take action when they see an animal in distress, no matter how grumpy they may seem at the time. Remember, even the grumpiest of creatures deserve our compassion and care.

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