Golden, fizzy liquid spewed onto the Californian highway on Thursday after an overturned truck carrying Coors beer disrupted traffic

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Golden, fizzy liquid spewed onto the Californian highway on Thursday after an overturned truck carrying Coors beer disrupted traffic.

In what could only be described as every college party-goer’s ultimate fantasy, free beer was plentiful on the eastbound Interstate 10 in California. However, the fun came at a cost as the overturned truck caused hours of traffic delays.

“It was like a scene straight out of a frat party,” exclaimed one witness. “Only this time, it wasn’t just a keg, it was an entire truck full of Coors light!”

Despite the inconvenience, many Californians couldn’t help but see the silver-lining, or rather, golden-lining of the situation. One driver even joked, “My plans for the night just got a whole lot more interesting!”

Traffic on the highway was at a complete standstill for almost three hours as authorities worked to clear the scene. Meanwhile, locals raced to the highway armed with their empty beer cans and bottles to take advantage of the free Coors on offer.

“This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Who needs a liquor store when you have a overturned truck full of beer?” said one local man as he filled up his car trunk with cans.

Unfortunately, not everyone saw the upside. Several commuters were left stranded on the highway as a result of the accident and were left without access to any food or water. For them, the sight of the spilt beer was nothing more than a slap in the face.

“I’ve been stuck here for hours! This is ridiculous. Who cares about free beer when I can’t even move my car?” said one frustrated driver.

This isn’t the first time an overturned beer truck caused chaos on California’s highways. In 2017, a Budweiser truck also overturned, spilling a large quantity of beer as it went. However, this time, it was all about the Coors light.

In response to the accident, a spokesperson for Coors said, “We are deeply saddened by the accident that occurred today and our thoughts are with those impacted by the disruption. However, we hope that this small act of free beer can bring some joy and happiness to those affected.”

The incident serves as a reminder of the harsh reality of alcohol-related accidents and reminds students that drinking irresponsibly can have serious consequences. Yet, despite the serious side of the accident, many locals were still buzzing with excitement at the prospect of free beer.

As the highway reopened and traffic began to move again, it was clear that one man’s misfortune can be another man’s gain. It’s not every day that free beer flows onto the streets of California, so it seems the locals were determined to make the most of the opportunity while they had it.

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