Man Runs a Mile Through Water, Shocker! In an unbelievable display of determination, a British man recently attempted to break the Guinness World Record for running a mile through water in a swimming pool

Man Runs a Mile Through Water, Shocker!

In an unbelievable display of determination, a British man recently attempted to break the Guinness World Record for running a mile through water in a swimming pool. Who knew that running through water was even a thing? Evidently, this crazy man did.

Despite the fact that he was swimming and not running, David Smith, 32, decided he would attempt to break the record, which currently stands at just over 21 minutes. Smith, who clearly had too much time on his hands, spent months training for this ridiculous feat.

The event took place at a local leisure center, and as expected, a small crowd gathered to watch this brave but utterly bonkers individual attempt to make history.

After a slow start, Smith eventually got into his stride and appeared to be making good progress. He was gliding through the water, arms flailing, legs kicking, and water splashing everywhere.

However, after a few laps, it became clear that Smith was not going to make it. The pace was too slow, and the record appeared to be out of reach. But, Smith carried on anyway, determined to finish what he had started.

As the minutes ticked by, the crowd grew bored and started to disperse. A group of teenagers in the corner of the pool started throwing inflatable toys at Smith, and a couple of parents tried to encourage their kids to swim faster than him.

At around the 40-minute mark, Smith finally finished the mile. He emerged from the pool, soaking wet, and was promptly handed a towel and a certificate to acknowledge his attempt at breaking a record that nobody knew existed.

When asked why he had decided to try and break this world record, Smith said: “I wanted to do something challenging and different. Running a mile on land is too easy, so I thought I would try running through water instead. It was harder than I imagined, but I’m glad I did it.”

We can all sleep easier knowing that there are people out there who are willing to risk life and limb to break meaningless records that nobody cares about.

Some may say that Smith’s attempt was a waste of time and resources, but we would argue that it was a valuable lesson in life. Sometimes, we need to try new things just for the sake of it, even if it’s completely pointless and utterly unremarkable.

So, to David Smith, we say, well done, sir. You may not have broken the world record, but you certainly gave us all a good laugh and a moment of entertainment on an otherwise dull day.

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