Uber, the ride-hailing giant, has been in the news recently for their impressive collection of lost-and-found items, including a toupee and a live turtle

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Uber, the ride-hailing giant, has been in the news recently for their impressive collection of lost-and-found items, including a toupee and a live turtle. While some may say that these items are strange, Uber thinks they are just adding variety to their already impressive collection.

In an exclusive interview with an Uber spokesperson, they stated that they were not surprised to see such items being misplaced by their customers. “We have seen all sorts of items being left behind in our cars, from wallets to phones to umbrellas. So, a toupee and a turtle are not out of the ordinary,” the spokesperson said.

But how exactly does one forget their toupee in an Uber? Did they remove it out of frustration after getting stuck in traffic? Or did it just fly away while sticking their head out of the window to get some fresh air?

As for the live turtle, Uber has assured the public that they are taking good care of the little guy. Some may wonder why someone would bring their pet turtle on an Uber ride, but who are we to question that? All we can do now is hope that the turtle has learned a valuable lesson and will not try to hop on another Uber ride anytime soon.

In fact, Uber may want to consider adding a pet-friendly option to their rides to accommodate such unexpected passengers. Who knows, maybe one day we’ll see a lost-and-found tab on their app specifically for stray pets left behind in their cars.

But it’s not just toupees and turtles that are being left behind in Uber cars. Other items include dentures, a guitar, a wedding veil, and even a goldfish in a bowl. With such a diverse range of lost items, Uber’s lost-and-found section is quickly becoming a tourist attraction.

In fact, Uber has considered hosting tours of their lost-and-found section as a new feature on their app. “We have had requests from customers who are interested in seeing our lost-and-found section, and we don’t want to disappoint them. It’s a way to show our customers how much we care about their belongings, no matter how unusual they may be,” the spokesperson commented.

One can only imagine the kind of stories and memories attached to these lost items. Perhaps the toupee was a prized possession of a renowned clown, or the goldfish in a bowl was on its way to a prestigious aquarium competition. The possibilities are endless.

It’s comforting to know that even in a car-sharing economy, our prized possessions and pets are in good hands. So, the next time you ride an Uber, remember to check your pockets, your pet’s hydration level, and your toupee’s grip. You never know what kind of adventure your belongings may embark on.

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