Virginia homeowners were in for a shock when they discovered a purported Civil War cannonball while working in their backyard

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Virginia homeowners were in for a shock when they discovered a purported Civil War cannonball while working in their backyard. Though they likely expected to find garden gnomes or maybe even dinosaur bones, they probably weren’t anticipating finding a freaking cannonball. But hey, who needs a flower bed when you can have a piece of American history right in your own backyard?

The homeowners contacted local authorities and a bomb squad quickly arrived at the scene. The area was promptly evacuated, and the neighborhood was on high alert in case this ancient piece of artillery decided to go off. However, after closer inspection, it was determined that the cannonball was actually a harmless relic from the Civil War era. Well, what a relief!

But what’s the big deal about this rusty old cannonball anyway? Is it really that exciting? Apparently so! The local news stations were all over the story, and every patriotic resident in a 50-mile radius wanted a glimpse of this piece of American history. Seeing as the United States is only about 250 years old, it’s pretty exciting to see something that’s nearly half as old as the country itself. Kudos to the homeowners for adding some excitement to their otherwise dull backyard.

The cannonball itself may not be a weapon of mass destruction, but that doesn’t mean it’s not dangerous. The bomb squad was quick to remind everyone that though it may not be explosive, it’s still heavy and could do some serious damage if thrown. So, what should one do when they find a cannonball in their backyard? According to the authorities, the first step is to not panic. That’s right, just act casual and call your local bomb squad.

While it’s not exactly clear how the cannonball ended up in the homeowners’ backyard, it’s believed to be a remnant from the Civil War, a time when cannons were used regularly in battle. Perhaps this piece of artillery was lost or misplaced during a skirmish, and it’s been sitting underground ever since, just waiting to be rediscovered. And rediscovered it was, though it’s unclear if John Cusack was involved in any way.

Despite all the excitement surrounding this unbelievable discovery, it’s important to remember that this cannonball is just a small piece of a much larger, much bloodier history. The Civil War was a time when brother fought against brother and American citizens died fighting for a cause they believed in. While it’s certainly exciting to find an artifact from this time in our country’s history, it’s important to remember the sacrifices made by so many in order to preserve the integrity of the United States.

So, congratulations to the homeowners for unearthing a piece of American history. Who knows what other treasures are waiting to be found in their backyard? Maybe next time they’ll find a lost Picasso, or perhaps even a time machine. Either way, they’ve definitely upped the ante for backyard discoveries, and we can’t wait to see what they unearth next.

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