Residents of New Jersey were reportedly left “shaken” (pun intended) after a rare 4

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Residents of New Jersey were reportedly left “shaken” (pun intended) after a rare 4.8 magnitude earthquake hit the eastern state on Wednesday, August 18th. Though there were no reports of serious damage or injuries, many continue to feel the aftershocks and are grappling with the trauma of having their daily routines disrupted for a few brief moments.

“Everything was just, like, shaking. I thought maybe it was an earthquake, but I was like, ‘no way, I’m in New Jersey,'” said local resident, Jessica Stevens. “I mean, it’s not like we’re California, right?”

Indeed, it is well-known that earthquakes are a rare phenomenon in the Garden State, whose residents are much more accustomed to the routine power outages and flooding that come with living on the East Coast. But this recent quake has shaken the community to its core – literally.

“I was in the middle of my morning routine, trying to figure out what to wear to work, when the whole house started shaking,” said local bank teller, Maria Rodriguez. “I mean, I actually had to put down my coffee cup. It was insane.”

Despite the overwhelming panic and fear that gripped the community in the immediate aftermath of the quake, many residents have since begun to see the silver lining of this terrifying experience. Some have even taken to social media to jokingly refer to the quake as their “annual earthquake drill.”

“Okay, so maybe we’re not as prepared for earthquakes as we are for hurricanes,” said local restaurant owner, Tom Williams. “But hey, we made it through, and at least now we know what it feels like.”

Indeed, the rare occurrence of an earthquake in New Jersey has given many residents a newfound appreciation for the unpredictability of the natural world, prompting some to question whether their state is truly as “boring” as they once believed.

“We’re not just a bunch of commuters and mall-goers,” said Stevens. “We’re survivors. We’re Jersey strong.”

While the seismic activity has subsided in the days following the quake, many residents continue to grapple with the trauma of the experience and are urging state officials to take steps towards better earthquake preparedness and education.

“I mean, I didn’t even know what to do when it was happening,” said Rodriguez. “Should I hide under the bed? Run outside? Google it? It was chaos.”

For now, the community can rest easy knowing that they made it through the Great Jersey Earthquake of 2021 alive and well. And who knows – maybe they’ll even start to prepare for the next one. Just, you know, in case.

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