Get ready to cover your ears, people! The cicadas are coming, and they’re bringing their signature buzz with them

Estimated read time 3 min read

Get ready to cover your ears, people! The cicadas are coming, and they’re bringing their signature buzz with them. Trillions of the noisy insects are set to emerge from the ground across the United States, marking the first double-brood emergence in two centuries.

While some may be excited at the prospect of witnessing this rare natural phenomenon, others are understandably less thrilled about the cacophony of sound that comes with it. But fear not, dear readers, for we have collected some helpful tips on how to deal with the impending cicada swarm.

Firstly, invest in some high-quality earplugs. Sure, they may not be the most fashionable accessory, but desperate times call for desperate measures. You’ll thank us later when you’re able to enjoy a peaceful moment in your own backyard without the deafening hum of the cicadas.

Secondly, don’t be afraid to embrace the swarm. That’s right, folks, it’s time to get creative with your cooking. Cicadas are said to be a great source of protein, so why not whip up a cicada stir-fry or some crunchy cicada tacos? Just be sure to cook them thoroughly before chowing down.

If you’re the type of person who prefers to avoid the swarm at all costs, consider investing in a top-of-the-line bug zapper. While not exactly environmentally friendly, it’ll certainly get the job done when it comes to keeping those pesky insects at bay.

Alternatively, you could always take a leaf out of the book of our furry friends and invest in a stylish cone-of-shame. Sure, it may not be the most comfortable way to spend your summer, but at least you’ll be protected from the cicadas’ buzzing wings. Plus, you’ll make all the other pets in the neighbourhood jealous with your fashion-forward look.

Of course, if all else fails, you could always opt to stay indoors until the cicadas have run their course. Stock up on food and drink, binge-watch your favourite TV shows, and wait it out. It’s not exactly the most exciting way to spend your summer, but hey, it beats navigating a sea of noise and bugs.

Jokes aside, the emergence of trillions of cicadas is truly a remarkable event in the natural world. The fact that this is a double-brood emergence only adds to the rarity of the occasion. So why not take a moment to appreciate the wonder of these noisy critters, instead of immediately reaching for the earplugs and bug spray?

After all, it’s the little things in life that make it worth living. And in the case of the cicada swarm, it’s the little things that make the most noise.

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