Snake Catcher Responds to Lovers’ Quarrel Outside Home In what could be considered a scene straight out of the movie “Fifty Shades of Grey,” a pair of venomous serpents were discovered getting it on outside a suburban home in Australia

Snake Catcher Responds to Lovers’ Quarrel Outside Home

In what could be considered a scene straight out of the movie “Fifty Shades of Grey,” a pair of venomous serpents were discovered getting it on outside a suburban home in Australia. The loving couple, identified as Eastern Brown snakes, were in the midst of a passionate embrace when they were interrupted by the homeowners.

Instead of calling the authorities for assistance, the residents of the home took to social media to plead for help. In a post that has since gone viral, they detailed the steamy encounter and begged for a snake catcher to come to their rescue.

Enter Barry McGloughlin, a snake catcher with years of experience under his belt. McGloughlin, who was in the middle of lunch

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