Florida Pet Makes History as First Raccoon to win Prestigious Cadbury Bunny Contest In a move that has raised a few eyebrows and left many pet owners scratching their heads, the Cadbury Bunny Contest has officially named a Florida raccoon as their newest spokesperson

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Florida Pet Makes History as First Raccoon to win Prestigious Cadbury Bunny Contest

In a move that has raised a few eyebrows and left many pet owners scratching their heads, the Cadbury Bunny Contest has officially named a Florida raccoon as their newest spokesperson. This marks the first time in the history of the competition that a wild animal has been chosen to represent the iconic chocolate brand.

The raccoon, known only as ‘Rocky’, was reportedly discovered by Cadbury officials during a routine visit to the Sunshine State. According to sources close to the company, Rocky’s unique look and playful demeanor instantly caught the eye of the judges.

“From the moment we saw him, we knew he had something special,” gushed one Cadbury representative. “His big, bright eyes and mischievous smile were just too cute to ignore.”

Sources say that Rocky’s rise to fame began when he was spotted playing with some discarded chocolate Easter eggs outside a Cadbury factory. While most raccoons would have simply scurried away with their newfound treat, Rocky apparently stuck around and showed off his impressive snacking skills.

“He was just so cute, we couldn’t help but snap a few pictures,” explained one Cadbury employee. “Before we knew it, he had stolen our hearts – and we knew we had to think outside the box with this year’s Bunny Contest.”

The decision to crown a raccoon as the Cadbury Bunny has not been without its critics, however. Many pet owners and animal enthusiasts alike have expressed concern over the message being sent by the company.

“Naming a wild animal as your spokesperson sends the wrong message to the public,” argued one animal welfare activist. “Raccoons are not pets and should not be treated as such.”

Others have pointed out that Rocky’s win may set a dangerous precedent, potentially leading to other exotic animals being used in advertising campaigns. “What’s next, a crocodile promoting toothpaste?” asked one skeptic.

Despite the backlash, Cadbury officials remain confident in their decision to crown Rocky as the Cadbury Bunny.

“Rocky represents the spirit of Easter – playful, adventurous, and always up for a good time,” declared one representative. “We are proud to have him as our new ambassador and look forward to sharing his antics with the world.”

As for Rocky himself, he seems to be taking his newfound fame in stride. According to his owners, the raccoon has been enjoying the perks of celebrity status, including fancy dinners and private playtime sessions.

“He’s always been a bit of a diva,” joked one owner. “But honestly, we couldn’t be more proud of him. To be the first raccoon to win this contest is truly an honor.”

Whether you love him or loathe him, there’s no denying that Rocky the raccoon has made history with his Cadbury Bunny win. Only time will tell if this controversial decision pays off for the iconic chocolate company – but for now, we can all enjoy the image of a mischievous raccoon spreading joy and chocolate eggs across the land.

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