Maine Baseball Team Achieves Legendary Accomplishment by Officially Breaking World Record for Most Whoopie Pies Eaten in One Sitting In an awe-inspiring feat of gluttony, the Maine baseball team has officially broken the Guinness World Record for consuming the most whoopie pies in a single sitting

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Maine Baseball Team Achieves Legendary Accomplishment by Officially Breaking World Record for Most Whoopie Pies Eaten in One Sitting

In an awe-inspiring feat of gluttony, the Maine baseball team has officially broken the Guinness World Record for consuming the most whoopie pies in a single sitting. The team, made up of eleven players and their coaches, managed to shove down a mind-boggling 1,200 of the delicious, cream-filled treats.

The record-breaking event took place at a local high school gymnasium, with the team members sitting around a long table groaning under the sheer weight of the baked goods. As they shoveled the pies into their mouths with glee, their faces smeared with chocolate and cream, it was clear that they were determined to make history.

“It was an intense experience,” said team captain John Smith, wiping the crumbs from his lips. “I can’t believe we managed to do it. But we did it for the love of whoopie pies, and for the pride of Maine.”

The previous record for the most whoopie pies consumed in one sitting was held by a group of Pennsylvania firefighters, who managed to eat 1,085 pies back in 2017. But the Maine baseball team was not content to rest on their laurels, and set their sights on breaking the record by a wide margin.

“We knew we had to go big or go home,” said coach Mike Johnson, grinning as he surveyed the empty plates. “And we definitely went big.”

The team trained hard for weeks prior to the event, consuming massive amounts of sugar and cream to prepare their bodies for the onslaught of pies. They also logged countless hours of practice sessions, honing their eating skills and strategizing on the best methods for consuming the pies as quickly as possible.

Despite the intense physical strain of consuming over 100 pies per person, the team members remained in good spirits throughout the event, cheering each other on and encouraging one another to keep going. And when the final crumb had been consumed, they all collapsed on their chairs, exhausted but exhilarated.

“We did it for Maine, for baseball, and for whoopie pies everywhere,” said player Josh Adams, cradling his stomach. “And we’ll do it again next year, too.”

The team’s accomplishment has been met with widespread acclaim and praise, with many people calling them “true American heroes” and “champions of dessert.” And while some may argue that their feat was excessive or even pointless, the team members remain undaunted in their quest for glory.

“We’ll never give up the fight for more whoopie pie records,” said Smith, flexing his biceps. “It’s just too important to us.”

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