Missouri Department of Conservation’s Powder Valley Nature Center is now home to a celebrity of sorts – a two-headed snake that has gained nationwide fame

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Missouri Department of Conservation’s Powder Valley Nature Center is now home to a celebrity of sorts – a two-headed snake that has gained nationwide fame. The creature, named “Double Trouble,” is quite the spectacle, and it’s already been the star of many visitors’ selfies. However, drama ensued when the snake required surgery, putting its extended stay at the Nature Center in jeopardy.

Thankfully, officials announced that Double Trouble’s stay would be extended to allow her to recover from her surgery. In a press release, the Missouri Department of Conservation expressed its gratitude for all of the attention Double Trouble has brought to the center, promising that the snake would be back in the limelight in no time.

According to reports, Double Trouble’s surgery was successful, though it’s unclear what exactly the procedure involved. Critics have speculated that the snake may have gotten too big for her britches – literally – and required a tummy tuck. Others speculate that the surgery was much more serious, and that Double Trouble may have had a second head removed.

Despite the drama surrounding the surgery, Double Trouble seems to be in good spirits. In fact, visitors to the Nature Center have reported that the snake appears to be enjoying her extended stay. She’s been spotted sunbathing, lounging in her habitat, and even putting on a few extra pounds – much to the envy of the other animals.

Of course, Double Trouble’s fans are over the moon with excitement at the prospect of the snake’s eventual return. Many have taken to social media to express their love for the creature, with some even starting a petition to keep Double Trouble at the Nature Center permanently. The petition has gained a lot of traction, with over 1,000 signatures so far.

Not everyone is excited about Double Trouble, however. Critics have pointed out that the two-headed snake is nothing more than a gimmick, designed to draw crowds to the Nature Center. They argue that the time and resources spent on the creature could be better invested in conservation efforts for more important animals.

Regardless of what critics say, Double Trouble remains an incredibly popular attraction at the Missouri Department of Conservation’s Powder Valley Nature Center. As for her extended stay, it looks like Double Trouble is settling in quite nicely. In fact, she might just become a permanent fixture at the center – much to the delight of her fans.

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