Virginia Woman Gets Lucky Finding Old Lottery Ticket Worth $3 Million In a stroke of pure luck, a woman from Virginia managed to find a winning Mega Millions lottery ticket worth $3 million that had been forgotten inside her nightstand for several weeks

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Virginia Woman Gets Lucky Finding Old Lottery Ticket Worth $3 Million

In a stroke of pure luck, a woman from Virginia managed to find a winning Mega Millions lottery ticket worth $3 million that had been forgotten inside her nightstand for several weeks. Can you believe it? It’s almost as if the universe conspired to boost her bank balance while she was out there doing absolutely nothing productive.

The woman, who has not been named, told reporters that she discovered the ticket while rummaging through her drawers and was initially unaware of the amount she had won. Oh, bless her little heart! It must’ve been so overwhelming to find a mere $3 million!

“I was looking for something else in my nightstand, and then I saw the ticket and just decided to check the numbers online”, the lucky winner told her local news outlet. It’s as if winning millions was just a side hustle for her while she went about her daily routine. What an absolute champ!

The ticket was drawn on September 4th, but she only claimed the prize on October 23rd, a few days before it was due to expire. And as if a win of $3 million wasn’t enough, she also informed the media that she had been playing the lottery every week for the last twenty years. Twenty years and only hit a big win now? Talk about beginner’s luck!

When asked whether she would continue playing the lottery after this win, she expressed her desire to continue her routine, explaining that the lottery ticket was more of a fun hobby than anything else. I mean, why not? Playing the lottery, losing for weeks and then stumbling upon a ticket worth millions sounds pretty casual to me.

Nevertheless, the woman has not revealed what she plans to do with the award money. Considering that most lottery winners seem to squander their newfound wealth and end up needing professional help within two years, it may be a wise move to keep quiet about it.

Still, congratulations to the lucky woman from Virginia who found a fortune lying around in her own bedroom. Maybe the rest of us should stop going out and start searching the depths of our own hoarding-filled houses to see if we too can strike it rich.

After all, who wants to work hard and save up when you can just rely on a game of chance to make all your dreams come true!

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