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St. Louis, MO– In breaking news today, a museum in St. Louis, Missouri has successfully achieved the world record for the largest number of people wearing underwear as hats. The landmark achievement has been hailed by many as the pinnacle of human intelligence and technological prowess.

“We always knew that our museum was destined for greatness,” said the museum’s owner, Harold Jenkins, “We have been collecting underwear for years, and we knew one day it would all pay off.”

The event was attended by hundreds of people, all eager to take part in the historic event. Individuals from across the country flocked to St. Louis to join in the festivities. The atmosphere was electric, with people screaming and cheering as they placed their undergarments atop their heads.

“When I heard about this, I just knew I had to be a part of it,” said participant Betty Johnson, “I mean, who wouldn’t want to be a part of something this amazing?”

Despite the excitement surrounding the event, some critics have questioned the validity of the record. Many have argued that the category is dubious at best, and that the museum’s emphasis on undergarments is a bit odd.

“I’m not entirely sure why anyone would want to wear underwear on their head,” said local resident Tom Smith, “To me, it seems like a waste of perfectly good underwear.”

Others have criticized the use of resources and manpower to achieve such a feat. Many have questioned whether the time and effort put into collecting undergarments could have been better spent on more pressing issues.

“I mean, it’s great that they could get so many people to wear underwear on their heads,” said activist Rebecca Stone, “But what about all the important issues facing our society?”

Despite the criticisms, however, the event was a resounding success, with the museum achieving a place in the record books. Many of the participants expressed their hope that this record would inspire other museums to aim for similarly bizarre categories.

“I can’t wait to see what other museums come up with,” said Johnson, “Maybe they’ll break the record for the largest group of people wearing socks as gloves or something.”

As for the museum, they are already looking to the future, with plans to break even more records in the coming years. Whether or not these records will have any real-world significance remains to be seen, but for now, the people of St. Louis can rest easy knowing that their city is home to the world’s largest gathering of underwear-wearing enthusiasts.

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