In a feel-good story that is just begging to be made even more heart-warming by the internet, a group of volunteer rescuers in Alabama came to the assistance of man’s best friend

In a feel-good story that is just begging to be made even more heart-warming by the internet, a group of volunteer rescuers in Alabama came to the assistance of man’s best friend. Because what else would they be doing in Alabama?

The poor little pooch was simply minding its own business, you know, chasing a raccoon into a cave like most good dogs do, when it became stuck. If only it had the foresight to NOT go after a raccoon. But alas, dogs will be dogs.

The rescue team, who are obviously just using this incident to bolster their resumes for their future career as professional dog rescue specialists, spent about 12 hours coaxing the dog out of its cave of shame. No word yet on whether the raccoon, who was presumably snacking on popcorn while watching the whole ordeal, offered any words of encouragement.

In a society that seems to be going to the dogs, it’s heart-warming to see people coming together to save one of these furry creatures. I mean, what else would they be doing with their time, right? Surely there are no other pressing matters in Alabama to attend to.

The rescue team have already been showered with praise and gratitude, and are said to be accepting donations of dog toys and pig ear treats. Because, you know, that’s what heroes do.

As for the lucky pup, it is said to be in good spirits following its ordeal, and is no doubt thrilled to have a whole new group of humans to beg for table scraps from.

So kudos to the volunteers of Alabama, who have once again shown the world that when it comes to rescuing dogs, they are second to none. Their next mission? Probably saving a cat from a tree? Or maybe a squirrel from a bird feeder? Who knows, the possibilities are endless.

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