Arizona Woman Experiences the Delightful Surprise of a Lifetime: Rattlesnake Found in Car It’s a commonplace scenario

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Arizona Woman Experiences the Delightful Surprise of a Lifetime: Rattlesnake Found in Car

It’s a commonplace scenario. You’re running a hurried errand, perhaps grabbing groceries or returning a library book, when suddenly, out of nowhere, a rattlesnake! Yes, that’s right, a freaking rattlesnake, happens to slither into your car- it can happen to anyone!

This was the exact situation that an Arizona woman found herself in recently when she stumbled upon a venomous rattlesnake in the back seat of her car. Luckily, the woman was parked and able to avoid an impromptu snake-inflicted emergency room visit.

The woman, who asked to remain anonymous (as if there weren’t already a thousand other people in Arizona with this same exact story), told reporters that she was “pretty startled” when she discovered the uninvited serpent, as most people would be when a snake slithers across their afternoon plans.

As we all know, it’s not uncommon for snakes to randomly take up residence in tightly enclosed places such as cars or sleeping bags, so really, what better place for a rattlesnake to make itself at home than in a parked car in the heat of an Arizona summer?

We’ve long been told that Arizona wildlife is something to be respected and admired from a safe distance, but some prefer to forego basic survival skills and bring wild animals on board for a joy ride. This woman can certainly attest to the aforementioned firsthand experience.

The fact that this story even made headlines is baffling to many. For those of us who live in this sun-kissed land of cacti and Gila monsters, a rattlesnake in our car is just another day, another sandstorm.

The real question here is: why is this woman so surprised that a rattlesnake found its way into her car? Was she expecting a unicorn instead? Definitely something to ponder.

Thankfully, the woman was able to safely remove the rattlesnake from her car without being bitten or injured, and with great fear, presumably drove her (snake free) car home.

In all seriousness though, It’s a good reminder for all of us desert dwellers to shed a little bit of the casualness that comes with living in such a warm climate and remain aware and educated about the native wildlife that surrounds us.

But let’s be real, we all know this woman probably won’t lock her doors and windows and will continue to invite rattlesnakes and all their friends into her car. Hey, at least it makes for a killer story, right?

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