A Maryland man had an unexpected stroke of luck when his car refused to start on his way to work

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A Maryland man had an unexpected stroke of luck when his car refused to start on his way to work. Instead of cursing his ill-fated vehicle, the man decided to try his luck at a nearby gas station, where he ended up winning a whopping $150,000 in the state lottery.

The man, who preferred to remain anonymous so as not to attract any unwanted attention from long-lost relatives and acquaintances, recounted the events leading up to his unexpected windfall with a smile on his face. “I was running late for work, as per usual, when my car decided to rebel against me and refuse to start. At first I was annoyed, but then I remembered that there was a lottery ticket stand inside the gas station I was parked outside of. I figured, what the heck, might as well try my luck.”

And try his luck he did. The man picked up a scratch-off ticket and began excitedly scratching away at the silver surface. At first, he thought he had won a measly $500, which would have been a nice little consolation prize for his car troubles. But then, as he continued to scratch, the numbers on the ticket began to reveal a much bigger prize.

“At first, I couldn’t believe it. I thought I must have made a mistake or misread the ticket. But when I finally realized that I had won $150,000, I was absolutely over the moon,” he said, grinning from ear to ear.

When asked what he planned to do with his newfound wealth, the man said he had a few ideas, but he wanted to take some time to let it sink in before making any hasty decisions. “I definitely want to pay off some debts and maybe take a nice vacation somewhere. But other than that, I’m just going to enjoy having a little extra cushion in my bank account.”

The man’s story has since gone viral, with many taking to social media to express their own frustrations with their stubborn vehicles. “Why can’t my car ever break down outside a gas station with a lottery stand?!” one person tweeted, while another joked, “Looks like I need to start pretending my car is broken down more often.”

It just goes to show that sometimes, even the most annoying situations can lead to unexpected rewards. So next time your car decides to act up, don’t curse your bad luck – who knows, you might just end up like the lucky Maryland man who won big at the gas station.

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