North Carolina Residents Encouraged to Live in Fear of Huge, Scary, Ferocious Bears In an effort to remind residents that they exist in close proximity to massive, powerful grizzly bears, wildlife officials in North Carolina have issued a strongly worded warning

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North Carolina Residents Encouraged to Live in Fear of Huge, Scary, Ferocious Bears

In an effort to remind residents that they exist in close proximity to massive, powerful grizzly bears, wildlife officials in North Carolina have issued a strongly worded warning. The announcement came after a home security camera captured footage of a bear squeezing through a small vent.

The video, which could strike terror into viewers with even the slightest indication of a fight or flight response, clearly shows the massive bruin contorting its body to fit through the small opening. Wildlife experts are now encouraging homeowners to have all vents removed and replaced with something less bear friendly, such as barbed wire.

“We cannot stress enough how dangerous these animals are,” said a wildlife official who preferred to remain anonymous. “It’s important that everyone takes every precaution necessary to avoid being mauled to death by a bear.”

Residents in the area have expressed their deep appreciation for the warning and have started taking aggressive measures to protect themselves from the danger of the nearly extinct grizzly bear.

“We’ve always been a little uneasy having these massive beasts living so close to us,” said a local resident, Oswald Grump. “But now that there’s evidence that they can fit through even the smallest openings, we’re taking things much more seriously.”

Mr. Grump went on to detail his own actions, which include locking all doors and windows and keeping a can of bear spray within reach at all times.

The warning from wildlife officials also included advice on what to do in the event of a bear attack, which basically boils down to accepting your fate and hoping that the bear will leave you alone before ending your life in a flurry of teeth and claws.

Experts say that it’s unlikely that bears will start breaking through walls or jumping through windows to attack humans, but the fear that they could is enough to keep residents on edge.

For its part, the bear community has lamented the negative publicity that this incident has brought them. They insist that they’re typically quite docile and only attack humans in self-defense or if they’re protecting their cubs.

But for residents in North Carolina, their cute, furry appearance isn’t fooling anyone anymore. They’ve been reminded that behind those innocent eyes lie the powerful jaws and razor-sharp claws of a true Apex predator.

So, if you’re a resident of North Carolina, be sure to stay alert and aware. Your very life could depend on it!

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